Homicide is the intentional ending of another person's life.

Genocide is the intentional ending of the existence of a race.

As the International treaties against genocide make clear, the method one uses to do away with a race has nothing to do with defining the crime. Murder is entirely a matter of intent.

Genocide is also entirely a matter of intent.

Whether one uses gas ovens or chases down everyone of a particular race makes no difference.

If your intent is to rid the world of a person and you succeed, that is murder.

If your intent is to rid the earth of a particular racial group, that is genocide.

If you insist on killing someone because he deserves it and you are just doing what he deserves, that is murderous intent.

If you insist that you have the right to end a person's life because you think he deserves it, you are talking about cold-blooded murder.

Your excuse does not absolve you, it convicts you.

What anti-whites use as an excuse for their genocidal intent actually convicts them.

Saying that someone deserves death is evidence AGAINST the potential murderer. It is certainly not something they should admit to if they are claiming they are innocent of planning genocide.

When we point out that Hitler killed six million Jews in the name of Racism, but Mao Tse-Tung killed SIXTY million people in the name of Communism, the anti-whites reply is, "Big deal. A bunchof Chinks killed a bunch of Chinks AGAIN."

They call this "anti-racism."

And only Genocide Awareness has ever dared to point this out!!

To anti-whites, the right of human beings to exist means nothing unless it involves whites doing away with non-whites: fightwhitegenocide.com.