Institutional Genocide

In genuinely "racist" societies, people aren’t ostracized, fired or “canceled” when it is revealed that they are " #racist ".
In contemporary #america , professors openly say things like “All I want for Christmas is white genocide” or “OK, officially, I now hate white people,”. Teaching assistants claim that “some white people may need to die” so that Black people can get what they deserve. Editors at the New York Times assert that “White men are bullshit”, use the hashtag “CancelWhitePeople” and complain about “Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants”.
Similarly, The Chicago Tribune has stated that “American racism is a uniquely white trait“. USA Today has made this point too, that only white people can be racist. (That is because "racist" is code for anything White!)
They’ve also noted that “A majority of white Americans believe discrimination exists against them in the United States” but have explained that this is not to be taken seriously.
These news outlets, CNN, the NYT, USA Today, Forbes, and NBC, are not seen as organizations of the radical left. Like Joe Biden, they are seen as center left or moderate.
("White privilege" is a myth perpetrated by people who hate White people. This myth has decreased sympathy for poor Whites.) Bernie Sanders said “when you’re white… you don’t know what it’s like to be poor“, Buzz Feed running articles like “37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018” (which, apparently, is the world... The goal is a world without White people), Vice positively covering vacations non-whites take just to get away from white people.
Mainstream right wing #media does not have material like this about non-whites. That is because the American right is, for the most part, not (anti-non-white). The American left, however, is significantly anti-white.
White liberals are the only group who on net prefer other racial groups to their own.
"White guilt” is psychologically damaging. Thinking your race is given an unfair advantage doubles a person’s risk of poor mental health.

The society that we live in is one were major corporations, institutions, and government, openly talk about how they try to avoid hiring or admitting white people. It’s one where people can be fired and ostracized for criticizing non-whites but where people are rarely punished for (outright calling for the ethnic cleansing of) White people as the American left does openly. It’s a society which says that phrases like “White lives matter” and “It’s okay to be white” are immoral statements (because "anti-racism" is really code for anti-White). As in many (genocidal) societies of the past, we live in a culture where we are taught that one racial group (Whites) is to blame for many of the problems of everyone else. And we are taught that it is immoral, for white people to attempt to defend themselves from this charge.
White people are expected to accept that they, and only they, share an inherent evil, for which they can never fully repent though they must relentlessly try to nonetheless. This process may cause whites suffering, but, we are told, to be pre-occupied with the suffering of whites is "racist" in itself.
The only thing unusual about our culture’s (genocidal attitudes) is the number of white people who have been socialized into participating in their own oppression. This victimization of whites inhibits white people economically, holds them back in education, subjects them to crimes which are systematically ignored, and sometimes directly damages their mental well being. As white people become a demographic minority (outnumbered in our own homelands, native and settled, by the world's true racial majorities, most of whom wouldn't think twice about aligning with each other against us), these problems will only become worse. Certainly, the history of what happens when the majority blames their unending problems on a minority (future whites) gives us reason for (grave concerns).
It is important that we recognize our society is systematically (working against a race, the White race,) and work to correct this before the effects of anti-white ideology are so great that they are impossible to (change). https://ideasanddata.wordpress.com/2020/06/03/american-racism-and-the-anti-white-left/

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I am recommending a class action lawsuit against all levels of government who neglect, dishonor, disrespect and violate the rights of there own citizens while helping unwanted and unneeded immigrants or non-compatible refugees going back many years! Legal Actions against UN treachery that undermines the sovereignty of countries must take place! Our goodwill has been completely corrupted! 


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The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of several environmental groups and other plaintiffs for ignoring the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

“For the last 46 years, NEPA has required any agency considering an action that will affect the environment to analyze and publicize those effects,” IRLI wrote in a statement about the lawsuit. “DHS, like its predecessor agency, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), has never considered or analyzed the enormous impacts to the human environment caused by legal and illegal immigration, as required by NEPA.”

The complaint against the DHS states: “The primary factor driving U.S. population growth is international migration. Immigrants from abroad add directly to the nation’s population by their arrival and by the children they have after they come. Because the fertility of American women has been at or
below replacement level for many years — 2.1 children per women- absent immigration there would be very little long-term population growth in the United States.”

Former Colorado Democratic Gov. Richard D. Lamm is a plaintiff in the lawsuit. He is on the advisory board for Californians for Population Stabilization. He said in an affidavit, “That unspoiled, beautiful Colorado that stirred me so deeply has fallen victim to population growth, which is inseparable from mass foreign immigration.”

John Charles Oliver, president of Floridians for a Sustainable Population, is also a plaintiff. He said in the complaint that the population growth due to mass migration has ruined the reefs in which he enjoys diving in. “Today, the beautiful coral reefs I dived and fished [on] in Broward and Palm Beach County are no longer living[;] [93%] of hard corals have vanished due to six municipal sewage outfalls, port-dredging, and coral bleaching due to carbon acidification caused by the increase of fossil fuels being burned,” the lawsuit states.

Another plaintiff Caren Cowan, executive director of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, said she no longer feels safe out on the range due to fear of illegal border-crossers. The lawsuit states, “Her grandmother’s homestead was ransacked and despoiled by illegal aliens on multiple occasions.”

The DHS has undergone 32 actions that have impacted the environment, according to IRLI. This includes a variety of asylum policies, prosecutorial discretion, and President Obama’s executive amnesty.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/17/environmentalists-file-lawsuit-against-dhs-for-ignoring-impact-of-mass-migration/#ixzz4Nrdf70ut

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Ramzpaul is basically right in his quarrel with the “1488” wing of White Nationalism. He’s obviously frustrated with purity signaling spirals and LARPing. I believe he’s wrong to accuse 1488ers of being enemy plants, although some of them probably are. I think, however, that his deepest frustration stems from the sense that White Nationalist ideas have the potential to sweep through our society and redefine the political mainstream, were it not for the ease with which our enemies stigmatize them as “Nazi.” (I will use “Nazi” rather than “National Socialist,” because we are talking about stigmatizing rhetoric here.)

Are you worried that our race is in demographic decline? Only Nazis would worry about that! Do you want to secure our borders against criminals and terrorists? Only Naziswould want to do that! Do you think it is crazy that Sweden, Germany, and other European countries have imported thousands of rapists from Africa and the Middle East? Only a Nazi would care about that! Do you think that your country should prefer citizens to foreigners, workers to parasites, decent people to criminals? Only Naziswould think that way! Do you think that whites should start saying “no” to unjust and crazy non-white demands, such as Black Lives Matter protesters who basically demand an end to enforcing laws against black criminals? Only a Nazi would do that. You don’t want to be a Nazi, do you? Then stop protesting against policies that will destroy white people. After all, the only way for white people to atone for the crimes of Nazis is by ceasing to exist.

This kind of rhetoric is so asinine, and the aims it advances are so evil, that it should be child’s play to demolish it. But we have had more than 90 years of anti-Nazi propaganda dinned into us by now, which has created a powerful moral inhibition to think rationally about any policies, no matter how sensible, if they are stigmatized as “just like the Nazis.”

To make matters worse, there are plenty of our own people who happily collaborate in this process of stigmatizing and marginalizing sensible policies as “Nazi.” They jump up and say, “You’re damned right! Only Nazis believe in borders. Only Nazis oppose rape. Only Nazis take their own side in a fight.”

Given a choice between defending policies that are necessary for the survival of our very race — or defending the honor of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism, the 1488 crowd prefers the latter. But this is a perverse and self-defeating move.

Earlier this year, after the mass sexual assaults and harassment of German women by Muslim men on New Year’s Eve, the Mayor of Cologne declared that she was setting up “safe zones” for women at Carnival time. I tweeted the following:

Why can’t all of Germany be a safe zone for women?

It is good propaganda, because the natural answer is “Yes, why not?” We will win when the public’s first reaction to all nationalist policies is “Yes, why not?” Because if every individual should have a room of his own, and every family a house of its own, why shouldn’t every people have a country of its own? Why not?

But imagine a slightly different message:

Hitler was right. Why can’t all of Germany be a safe zone for women?

The initial reaction of most people would be indignation, disbelief, or puzzlement about the first sentence. And very few would go on to read the second sentence at all, much less think, “Yes, why not?” Beyond that, the fact that an opponent of mass rape links his position to Hitler actually lends credibility to the idiotic claim that opposing the rape of German women is somehow a bad thing because it is “just like Hitler.”

The case for racial and ethnic nationalism has never been stronger. Philosophy, science, history, and the news of the day all argue in its favor. Thus it is easy to see why the enemies of nationalism want to marginalize and stigmatize it by linking it to a single central European nationalist movement from the first half of the 20th century. Our enemies claim that Nazism is the only real and authentic form of racial or ethnic nationalism. It is harder to understand why friends of nationalism want to do the same thing.

Nazism is not the only real and authentic form of racial nationalism. It is not the only path to racial nationalist policies. Our politics is based on reason and reality, not on the historical contingencies of central Europe between the wars.

Why is it the case that even in countries like Poland, Ukraine, and Russia, which suffered terribly at the hands of the Nazis, there are nationalists who identify with National Socialism? I think this is a natural product of anti-Nationalist propaganda. When a population accepts the false equivalency nationalism = Nazism, most people will be deterred from nationalism, but there will always be a small minority who will still embrace it.

Some of these people are attracted to Nazism because they really believe it is evil. Not much can be done with such people. Others think it is true and good, and they will embrace what is true and good regardless of any stigmas. These people are admirable. Such sincere idealists might even believe that they can persuade enough of their fellow citizens to tip the political balance in favor of nationalism. After all, history is made by energetic minorities.

There are two problems with this notion:

  1. The number of people receptive to Nazism — paleo or neo — is probably too small to change the direction of any society. (And yes, one’s movement might grow exponentially until it hits its absolute upper limit of, say, .02% of the general populace.)
  2. Generic racial/ethnic nationalist policies have the potential to convert the vast majority of our people, which is why — again — our enemies seek to heap the odium of “Nazism” on them. We have an uphill battle on our hands, and — again — our own people should not make it harder.

So given a choice between option #1 and option #2, the best path to the salvation of our race is clearly #2. Yes, our enemies will always throw the “Nazi” charge our way. But we always have a choice when they do: to help them or to fight them.

Is this “mainstreaming”? No, I am a vanguardist. Mainstreamers want us to change our principles. They want us to be more like the mainstream. I want to keep our principles and change the mainstream to be more like us. I don’t want White Nationalism to go mainstream, I want the mainstream to go White Nationalist. I want to change the public mind, not mirror or echo it.

For me, there are four non-negotiable principles of White Nationalism: (1) Europeans are a distinct race, the white race; (2) our race is on the road to biological extinction because of bad political policies (white genocide); (3) the only solution is to this danger is to create racially and ethnically homogeneous white homelands; and (4) Jews are a distinct people that belong in their own homeland, not scattered about white homelands. We’ll never save our people by abandoning any of these principles, so we will just have to convert them to our way of thinking.

The opposite of the mainstream is the vanguard. But another opposite of the mainstream is the marginal. Vanguardism and marginality are not the same things, though. So we should never mistake self-marginalization for a winning vanguard strategy. Just because something is not mainstream does not mean that it is a vanguard capable of pulling the mainstream behind it.

“Hitler did nothing wrong” is funny as a meme, but it is not defensible as a thesis. And let’s be honest: it is funny because of its chutzpah. There is something bracing about sheer self-assertion in the face of practically the whole world. I was delighted when Charles Manson declared, “The war’s not over as far as I’m concerned.” (Remember, he’s not locked in there with them; they’re locked in there with him.) But the war really is over, although the struggle for European survival goes on. Yes, people build strength by carrying unnecessary burdens. But this is politics, not therapy. And political movements defeat themselves by taking on such burdens.

I once told a friend that I would gladly join his little spiritual honor guard at the crypt of National Socialism, except that I believe that we can actually win. There are a lot of self-defeating attitudes and behaviors on the Alternative Right: alcoholism, drug abuse, LARPing, bickering, internet drama, etc. I believe that people gravitate towards them because, deep down inside, they’re already defeated. They don’t believe we can win; that attitude leads to self-defeating behaviors; and thus their prophecy fulfills itself. Naturally, I would much prefer that they fulfill my prophecy instead: that the Millennials will someday be known as the Greatest Generation, because they will liberate our race and establish homelands for all our peoples.

So, to sum up, I think that Ramzpaul is basically right. But why do I think that it does not matter? Because the 1488ers will never go away, so I think he is wasting his time baiting them. Instead, we need to find a way of accepting their existence and making them into assets rather than liabilities. First, they do attract highly principled and idealistic people, some of whom we can educate. Second, the best way to convert people within our broader camp is not to attack them but to set an example by doing a better job of attacking our common enemies. Third, they make us seem more moderate and centrist by comparison. Thus they can serve as stalking horses, which might scare people into being more accommodating to our approach. Fourth and finally, as Jonathan Bowden often pointed out, the ultra fringes of any political movement generally attract highly energetic and creative people. We can draw upon some of that energy and steal their best memes: https://www.counter-currents.com/2016/04/why-ramzpaul-is-right/

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The advocates of mass immigration will say things like “all countries have immigration” or “immigration doesn’t just happen in White, Western countries – it’s a global phenomena”. Such statements are highly deceptive, and yet the vast majority of people simply accept them.

Most people have heard of ‘guest-worker immigration’. This is the immigration system which operates in non-White countries from Africa and Asia to the Middle East.

One of the key features of guest-worker immigration is that immigrants are treated as temporary, economic residents. That is, they are granted permission to stay (i.e. temporary residence) and permission to work for a limited period (e.g. for 10 years on a limited-time visa), after which they are expected to leave.

A second, crucially important, feature of guest-worker immigration is that the total immigrant population always remains the same size, the total immigrant population remains fixed (once the required number of immigrants has been reached.)

The overall immigrant population will always remain the same size whether the immigration process continues for 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years. Furthermore, even if the immigrant population has a large number of births, their children will be returned home with their parents. Guest-worker immigration provides advantages of immigration without greatly affecting the demographic balance of the country deploying it.

Overall, guest-worker immigration is flexible. It makes immigration easy to plan and control. It is easy to increase or decrease the total number of immigrants as the country’s economy fluctuates. And, if desired, the total number of immigrants can be returned to zero – since immigrants neither become citizens nor permanent residents.

Guest-worker immigration treats immigrants as temporary, economic guest-workers right from the start. And, unsurprisingly, it is the most common immigration system in the world. It is the immigration of choice throughout Asia, Africa, and the Middle East – yet it isn’t deployed in even a single White, Western country.

Overall, citizenship immigration can be characterized by:  • Endless inward immigration

• No expatriation process for immigrants – only illegal immigrants may be expatriated

• An ever-growing immigrant population

Unlike guest-worker immigration, citizenship immigration always leads to an ever-growing immigrant population because there is no expatriation process to keep the overall immigrant population in balance, almost all immigrants quickly gain the right to permanent residence or citizenship, any children born to them will automatically acquire permanent residence and/or citizenship too.

The total immigrant population will never stop growing because, few, if any, will leave. Most will become permanent residents or citizens, and those who acquire citizenship (including any children they may have) will no longer even be considered immigrants.

One system keeps the immigrant population static and unchanged, whilst the other system leads to rapid growth. Citizenship immigration leads to a rapidly growing immigrant population.

Overall, citizenship immigration creates conditions where the native population will become outnumbered by the immigrant population (i.e become a racial minority). Citizenship immigration has a social engineering component which is absent altogether under guest-worker immigration.  In economic terms, guest-worker immigration is a far more flexible and efficient than citizenship immigration. Under guest-worker immigration, non-working immigrants can be expatriated, older workers are continuously replaced by younger workers, and the immigrant population itself is static – yet it can be intentionally increased or reduced as economically necessary.

Under citizenship immigration, because existing immigrants rarely leave, once the total immigrant population is large enough, it will continue to expand – even if further immigration is stopped altogether!

Citizenship immigrants are necessarily (as citizens) granted access to welfare, social security, pensions, medical and healthcare support, housing benefits and other costly public services. These are clearly additional social costs and overheads which reduce – not increase – the economic benefits available under guest-worker immigration. Indeed, under guest-worker immigration, these social costs and overheads are the privilege of citizens alone – and immigrants are rarely granted citizenship.

Guest-worker immigration leads to an immigrant population which is fixed in size. This makes it easy to plan for. Because the immigrant population is fixed in size, the additional budgeting is relatives small and easy to plan.  Under citizenship immigration, on the other hand – where the vast majority of immigrants will acquire permanent citizenship – the costs will grow rapidly. Overall, there is a vast difference between planning for a fixed, static immigrant population and funding an ever-growing immigrant population.

Under citizenship immigration, non-working immigrants cannot easily be returned home – even if would be economically expedient to do so. Their legally protected ‘right’ to permanent residence and citizenship (in all and only White countries) mean that the immigrant population cannot be reduced without resorting to drastic measures, such as withdrawing permanent residence status or cancelling citizenship – measures which were economically unnecessary in the first place.

Overall, then, there are no economic advantages to offering immigrants citizenship and permanent residence – there are only additional costs and social burdens.

Under guest-worker immigration, the purpose of immigrants is to empower the economy. But under citizenship immigration, the primary function of economics is to endorse, justify, and (if necessary) suffer substantial economic losses for large-scale immigration and demographic engineering.  We can gain an important insight into what has motivated citizenship immigration (rather than guest-worker immigration) by simply looking at which countries have implemented it. When we do, we find that all and only White, Western countries have implemented citizenship immigration.  Why would any country choose an inflexible, economically inferior system of immigration which clearly and demonstrably changes the demographic make-up of the country – especially when a far superior alternative is widely available?

Choosing citizenship immigration over guest-worker immigration makes absolutely no sense – unless radically changing the demographic make-up of your country is the desired result.  We are constantly told that immigration is an “economic necessity” – and yet it’s more expensive, more inflexible and it’s vastly more demographical harmful. White countries alone operate a completely different immigration system to non-White countries. The economic arguments are lies.

These days, demographic decline is a common justification for endless immigration into the West. It would not, therefore, be very surprising if pro-immigration advocates were to argue that the West needs citizenship immigration to prevent the demographic decline of their native White population. On the surface, this appears plausible, yet the ‘demographic decline’ argument has a serious credibility problem.

If citizenship immigration is the tool of choice to combat ‘demographic decline’, then why don’t rich, non-White countries like Israel and Qatar force their people to adopt it?

Qatar, for example, is a country with only 278,000 citizens, yet it has an immigrant population of over 2 million! Yet because Qatar operates a system of guest-worker immigration, the ethnic Qatari population is protected from race-replacement, despite being outnumbered 8 to 1 by immigrants! Qataris are a small statistical minority (compared to the immigrant population) yet their immigrants are temporary guests, not citizens. Qataris will neither become an ethnic minority in Qatar, nor lose their culture or sovereignty. So why should we?

The final nail in the coffin for the ‘demographic decline’ argument, however, is the openly hostile attitude of Western leaders to measures which might boost White birth rates and halt that decline.

When Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, won his country’s election in April 2014, he called for the total cessation of immigration into his country coupled with policies designed to boost native Hungarian birth-rates. The outrage which ensued was as caustic as it was immediate. The EU Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vidar Helgesen (Norway), called for the EU to immediately impose economic sanctions on Hungary.

Thus, in White, Western countries it is the worldview of Mr Helgesen – not Mr Orban – which prevails amongst our leadership. And far from supporting measures which might halt ‘demographic decline’ (in all and only White countries), Western leaders utterly condemn such measures and seek to demonize, ostracize and alienate anyone brave enough to even suggest them.

Indeed, French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy went even further; stating, on several occasions, that EU countries have a ‘moral obligation’ to engage in race-mixing – and not just accept (citizenship) immigration.

In reality, there are two different systems of immigration, and they have very different outcomes. The ugly truth is that all White, Western countries have been forced to accept one system of immigration whilst all non-White, non-Western countries are free to choose another. So, not only is the idea that there is one, universal system of immigration false, but the outcomes of those systems could not be more divergent and extreme. We have been silenced by wolves justifying biased, one-sided policies as ‘fairness’. Yet there is nothing fair about the outcome they have in mind.  Read more here: http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=32331 

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The Hottentots who inhabit the Desert in what was once called Southwest Africa, down at the end of the continent, are the remnants of a race that once covered almost all of Africa below the Sahara. They are now almost extinct. They would be extinct if the white man had not come when he did.

This tiny remnant is now called the Capoid race. Today's blacks, who took Africa from them only recently, are called Congoids.

Nobody cares. The Hottentots don't have any votes or money, so nobody mentions it.

The black race of today did not give the Capoid race reservations and reparations when they took their land the way we did for the Indians. No black man has ever felt the slightest tinge of guilt about driving the Capoid race off its land and out of existence.

None ever will.

In the days of slavery, that slavery we feel so guilty about, blacks were wiping out the Capoids and taking their land. When poor little Kunte Kinte was taken by blacks and sold to whites (no white man ever captured a black man the way the fictional television miniseries Roots depicted it), the poor little black race was committing full-scale genocide against the Capoids.

No black will ever feel the slightest tinge of guilt about this and no one will ever expect him to. There's no money in it. - Bob Whitaker

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Who is going to pay the White People whose ancestors were brought here as slaves. This presentation is much shorter than it could be, but space does not allow more.

The documentary record compels us to face the fact that a holocaust was perpetrated against generations of poor White People whose sufferings are far more than is presented here. The horrors they experienced equal anything the more famous sufferers have undergone. Yet, of all the dusty shelves in the dark corners of"SUPPRESSED" history, none has been more completely obscured than the story of the WHITE SLAVES OF COLONIAL AMERICA!

A famous history professor stated that history was not a science but a continuing investigation into the past; a person's conclusion is based on their own bias. This story will offer evidence that the Alba, Scots, Irish and Pics have been the longest race held in slavery. The reader will be responsible for their own bias pertaining to White Slavery.

More here: https://israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/Slaves%20[A].htm

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How to counter leftist psycho-terrorism. Since the western marxists had abandoned the idea of violent revolution, a psycho-terrorism (psychological terrorism) became their main offensive weapon. The aim is to manipulate public opinion, change people's behavior and influence their emotions and opinions, so the society become unable to defend itself against marxist "cultural revolution". In fact, they intend to exert a systematic, destructive, long-lasting psychological pressure on the whole society, which dismantle all opposition - patriotism, traditionalism, nationalism, anti-globalism.

Leftwing activists are excellent emotional manipulators. They are successful at laying the blame on whites. They invent and construct various arguments and claims based on distorted facts and myths in order to accuse us of some ancient injustices, for which all white Europeans have to feel guilt. A combination of guilt and compassion is a strong weapon to manipulate others.

Initially, they force us to feel responsible for everything and evoke feelings of guilt. Then they appeal to compassion and empathy for immigrants / refugees. In this way they try to break us and make us to stop defending ourselves.

Be aware that manipulation focuses on your emotions and bypasses rational thinking. It aims to stimulate internal conflicts in you and to dominate you. Therefore, turn on your natural defense mechanisms and common sense. On the contrary, turn off empathy and similar emotions, which can be exploited by an enemy to manipulate you: http://www.white-media.info/how_to_counter_leftist_psycho_terrorism.html

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This goes for all Whites, not just American. Whites must act to promote and protect their legitimate interests.

One example we might follow is that of Korean-Americans who pool funds to provide capital to entrepreneurs in their communities. This is done so with the expectation that they will help the community if their endeavors prove successful. Another possibility is establishing councils of successful businessmen who can provide advice and council to new entrepreneurs.

A key principle to follow is keeping our money as much as possible in our own community. To do so, we must patronize friendly business owners and professionals. Compilation of a White “yellow pages” for various localities would be helpful for this purpose. Its circulation, of course, would have to be discreet, lest the press discover it and fan outrage over the “racism” involved.

Another vital step is cultivating a work ethic for ourselves and our children, with an emphasis on acquiring skills and practicing discipline to save money. At the same time, we must practice generous giving to activities which serve our community. A further strategy is for us to get jobs in “mainstream” businesses and institutions, and then use the influence we can acquire to encourage the hiring of more of our people.

With financial power and economic networking, we will be able to provide jobs and opportunities for our community. Also they will provide us with the means to establish institutions to advance our goals, and fund political candidates who will defend our interests.

Legal power is essential with a legal system not friendly to our interests. At minimum we have to establish state-wide networks of lawyers who can defend our interests in court. At least in the beginning, some of these lawyers would have to work pro bono. As a longer-term objective, we will need organizations similar to the American Civil Liberties Union to meet the national legal challenges we will face.

Media power will be necessary to advance our message and counter the lies and propaganda of the “mainstream” news organization. Our ultimate goal, admittedly difficult to attain, should be creating or buying large-scale media and entertainment outlets. In the meantime, we must find creative ways to use the Internet and other means to spread our viewpoints. People in our movement with talent in writing and other media-related skills should form guilds where they hone our messaging and strategies for dissemination. One thing we should all do is to spread distrust toward the establishment media as possible. We will have ample opportunity to do this as the dishonesty of those media and their malice toward us become ever more obvious. At the same time, we need to encourage public trust of the media we develop.

Education is a key field where we must focus. Our opponents largely control it, and thereby greatly influence the beliefs and attitudes of the rising generation. The long-term objectives should be creating new educational institutions and recapturing existing ones.

A guild of scholars would be helpful to decide curricula and propose strategies. Establishing private schools at the elementary and secondary level should be is a primary goal. Another option is homeschooling, a growing movement which reflects general disenchantment with the educational establishment. For higher education, we can exert pressure on state-funded colleges and universities to offer the diversity in viewpoints that they demand on the basis of race. Eventually, we will need universities of our own to affirm our culture and values. At all stages, we must strive to impart our beliefs to our children, regardless of where they receive their formal education.

Section III

Many of our people feel daunted by the problems we face, and plaintively ask: Just what can one person do? A better question is: What will happen, if each of us doesn’t do as much as he or she can possibly do? Samuel Johnson stated that nothing so powerfully focuses the mind as the prospect of one’s demise. With our minds focused on the prospects outlined in Section I, let’s shift our mindsets from helplessness to determination and possibility thinking.

Just what each and every one of us can do? Most certainly we can strive for personal excellence in body, mind, and spirit. The following are some specific ideas. Quit eating agribusiness junk food and switch to a healthy diet. Exercise—learn a martial art. Abandon junk media culture and cultivate your mind with the great art, music, literature, and cinema of our Western culture. Broaden your knowledge—learn a new trade. Embrace what Theodore Roosevelt called the “strenuous life,” and leave behind the toxic apathy and passivity that so blights our modern world.

Next, honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses, and determine how you can be an asset to the movement. Specifically, you might meditate on what you might contribute to the projects outlined in Section II. If you don’t have the talent and inclination to start and maintain a business, don’t worry. Once again, you can support those who do. If nothing else, you at least can learn to manage your money well, stay out of debt, and allocate your money to further our cause.

Whatever your niche is, find it—and fill it well. The best way to do what is to set tangible objectives, both short-term and long-term. Bear in mind the old saying that if you aim at nothing, that’s exactly what you’ll hit. Some possible goals? If you’re a young person, strive to marry and have children. Strong families and the haven of home-life are essential to our wellbeing and survival. Are you good at music? Then compose songs to inspire our struggle.

Our watchword should be creativity. If our history shows anything, it is that we are unsurpassed as an innovative and creative people. Now we must apply that innovative talent to secure our future. Creativity, however, cannot thrive in an attitude of negativity—an attitude unfortunately common quite among a lot of us today.

Yes, we face difficult odds and concerted malice. But rather than turn to bitterness and defeatism, we might recall the words of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings when Frodo complained about the deadly evil that he and his companions faced. “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But it is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given us.”

It may be that we Westerners were never meant to lead lives of too much ease, and that our true destiny requires hardship. Thus instead of regarding the difficult times that we face as an imposition, we might view them as a necessary and beneficial challenge—one we might even thank our enemies for providing.

For the struggle ahead, we must seek inspiration. Those of us who are Christian need to harken to the faith of our fathers (as opposed to the effeminate religiosity so common in churches today). All of us should draw strength from the inspiring myths, legends, and histories of our people. One relevant to our circumstances today is the Anabasis of Xenophon, particularly as described in the account of classicist Edith Hamilton.

Xenophon was a soldier in ancient Greece who joined a force of 10,000 Greek mercenaries to serve Cyrus, the king of Persia. While they were there, Cyrus was killed, and members of another Persian faction slaughtered all the senior leaders of the Greeks. These Persians assumed that without leaders the Greek force would disintegrate and become easy picking for annihilation. As a people accustomed to oriental despotism, the Persians couldn’t imagine men acting without appointed leadership.

They didn’t understand, as Hamilton observed, that the Greeks were men of the West. Unlike the slave-like Persians, they were men of initiative and creativity, with a profound love of freedom. They immediately reorganized, closed ranks, and began what historian Will Durant called “one of the greatest adventures in human history.” Xenophon and the 10,000 overcame innumerable hardships as they made their way back to Greece, a journey of 1,500 miles through mountains and deserts, while contending with hostile forces all along the way.

Ingenious tactics saved them many times. To illustrate, when they ran out of arrows, they would taunt their enemies while staying just out of arrow range. As they faced their foes, a rain of arrows fell harmlessly before them, thus replenishing their supply.

Today, like the 10,000, we have been made leaderless, and most of our institutions have betrayed us. Truly we face a daunting challenge. As our enemies gleefully predict our doom, let’s recall who we are—men and women of the West—and act accordingly.

More here: http://theamericanfreedomparty.us/white-alert-organize-suffer-consequences/

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Mass immigration ‘Ponzi scheme’: Over the last 12 years, Australia’s annual net overseas migration has tripled from its long-term average to 210,000 people per year.

Our cities are bursting at the seams, roads and services are congested, and house prices are skyrocketing — particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, which attract the lion’s share of "new Australians".

Over the last 12 years, Sydney has added 20 per cent to its population, or 800,000 people. Melbourne has added one million people over the same period, or 27 per cent.

According to state government projections, Sydney will add another 1.7 million people over the next 20 years, which works out to 87,000 people a year, or 1650 people per week. Melbourne is forecast to add 97,000 people per year, or around 1870 people per week, for the next 35 years.

“It’s clearly unsustainable,” said Leith van Onselen, chief economist with Macro Business.

According to Mr van Onselen, dubbed the “Unconventional Economist”, Howard “effectively ran a bait-and-switch policy”.

“He opened the floodgates on people coming by plane,” he said.

“Howard never articulated why he was doing that, he just did it, and unfortunately the following governments, Rudd, Gillard, #Abbott and now Turnbull, just followed.”

Mr van Onselen, who is one of the few public commentators calling for a national debate about Australia’s annual migration intake, says there is now “tri-partisan support” between the Liberals, Labor and even the Greens to not discuss the issue.

Behind the scenes, the “growth lobby” of retailers, the banking sector, the property industry and “erroneously named think tanks” all push the “growth-ist agenda”.

Late last year, high-profile entrepreneur Dick Smith came out in support of Pauline Hanson, warning that Australia would be “destroyed” if One Nation’s immigration policies weren’t taken seriously: http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/john-howards-baitandswitch-is-it-time-for-a-debate-on-the-mass-immigration-ponzi-scheme/news-story/163e317be07822ca17641dd98415713f

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