The fact of the matter is people like living among others like themselves. This is true of white people and it is true of non-white ­immigrants. It’s why the immigrants congregate in certain areas — the Koreans in New Malden, the Bangladeshis in Tower Hamlets, the Somalis in Coventry.

Excessive levels of immigration lower living standards for the existing population via: Exacerbating infrastructure constraints (think more time stuck in traffic jams); Diverting capital into infrastructure provision to support the growing population, thus crowding-out productive investment and capital deepening; Reducing housing affordability and livability (think smaller, more expensive homes located further out); Diluting fixed mineral endowment amongst more foreign people (i.e. less resources per capita); and greater environmental degradation. Division and inevitable conflict. Resentment for foreign blood taking advantage of social security systems, disadvantaging those in need, eventually bankrupting the systems.

Most White people have been conditioned to think that nationalism for our people = “Nazism”, which, as intended, results in most White people having a knee jerk reaction to serious discussion around a need for our people to embrace racial nationalism. Despite what fake news media, puppet politicians and nut case professors, etc, carry on with, very few White people are “naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews”.

Excerpt: Some people are attracted to National Socialism because they believe it good, and they will embrace what is good regardless of stigmas. Generic racial/ethnic nationalist policies have the potential to convert the vast majority of our people, which is why our enemies seek to heap the odium of “Nazism” on them. We have an uphill battle on our hands — our own people should not make it harder.

RE the black sun symbol, not even anti-White google can deny the Black Sun is an esoteric symbol dating far back into antiquity. Petroglyphs have been found in the Americas of this ancient symbol. Artefacts have been discovered in 3000 year old graves of Nordics.

Not even anti-White google can deny, the swastika is an ancient symbol. Hitler or any other German Nationalist Socialist, no more invented the swastika or black sun symbol, anymore than Hitler gave birth to blondes with blue-eyes! He nor any other individual or group is justification for what is the demonisation and destruction of White history, symbols, traditions and our very existence.

Anti-Whites will keep demonising all White people, all White traditions, all White history, all White symbols and cultures, until they destroy us in whole. They have destroyed us in part already.

Many politicians, much of academia and the fake news corporate mainstream media promote hatred and psychologically abuse White people, including White children. It hurts us all. It destroys our pride and community and our very future, as intended!

I personally don’t admire Hitler and I deter racially loyal Whites from focusing their efforts on defending him! Nazism is wordism. Don’t waste our chance to defend our people preoccupied with a wordism! Defend our people! To defeat anti-Whitism, DO WHAT WORKS!

There is (no objection #antiwhites ) can (make against) us having the right to preserve our race (and homelands) which (is not) hateful (and) genocidal.

Throughout the ages, war, plague, famine and every kind of bad fortune you could imagine ravaged your ancestors. So many people died, while your ancestors survived, left their mark on the world, and passed down their genes over and over again until eventually you were born. Every generation before you contributed to our existence in one form or another. Great things were built, lands were explored and settled, invaders were fought off. Everything was done to secure a future for us. It's awfully selfish to turn your back on the efforts of your ancestors, it's even worse to make no attempt at making a better world for future generations, because considering everything we've accomplished in the past, our future is beyond all comprehension. Our future is in all of our hands: 

Your ancestors live on in YOU. And it matters.
The science completely contradicts the social agenda telling us our ancestry is irrelevant.
NEVER let ANYONE tell you that your ancestry, your heritage, your ethnic culture doesn't matter.In the history of humanity, we have ALWAYS cherished our ancestral lines. Don't let them steal your very IDENTITY away from you.
A rootless tree blows any which way.

How to counter leftist psycho-terrorism. The aim is to manipulate public opinion, change people's behavior and influence their emotions and opinions, so the society become unable to defend itself. In fact, they intend to exert a systematic, destructive, long-lasting psychological pressure on the whole society, which dismantle all opposition - patriotism, traditionalism, nationalism, anti-globalism.

Leftwing activists are excellent emotional manipulators. They are successful at laying the blame on whites. They invent and construct various arguments and claims based on distorted facts and myths in order to accuse us of some ancient injustices, for which all white Europeans have to feel guilt. A combination of guilt and compassion is a strong weapon to manipulate others.

Initially, they force us to feel responsible for everything and evoke feelings of guilt. Then they appeal to compassion and empathy for immigrants / refugees. In this way they try to break us and make us stop defending ourselves.

Be aware that manipulation focuses on your emotions and bypasses rational thinking. It aims to stimulate internal conflicts in you and to dominate you. Therefore, turn on your natural defense mechanisms and common sense. On the contrary, turn off empathy and similar emotions, which can be exploited by an enemy to manipulate you:

Lenin referred to what we now call cuckservatives as “useful idiots.”

Excerpt: Mental AIDS: A term coined by Louis Pauwels signifying the collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its enemies. Guillaume Faye adds: With biological AIDS, T4 lymphocytes, which are supposed to defend the organism, fail to react to the HIV virus as a threat, and instead treat it as a ‘friend’, helping it to reproduce. European societies today are [similarly] menaced by the collapse of their immunological defenses. The more Third World colonization damages European peoples, the more measures are taken to continue it… policies which might increase the (White) birth rate are denounced.

As for the Catholic Church, most of the hierarchy appears to have no loyalty to Europe. In 1990, before his elevation to pope, Cardinal Ratzinger at a private dinner party reportedly lamented “the slow suicide of Europe” as its population aged and was being replaced by inassimilable immigrants.
Once he was pope and speaking in public, however, he denounced the “fear of others, of foreigners,” who “reach our land and appear to threaten what we are.” He said this in Venice in 2011, at a time when North Africans were swarming into southern Italy because of upheaval in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.

Today, the number of Catholics is declining in America. After Pope Benedict’s resignation this year there was much talk of a possible non-white pope who would reflect the changing face of Catholicism. Such a church is not going to fight to keep Europe European. - AMREN Unruly Europe
What’s the Holy Trinity Christianity?  You must support open-borders.
White people must commit collective suicide and turn over their nations to the invading hordes of the third world.
Whites should avoid having too many white babies and adopt babies of "colour" instead.

Fighting “racism” is one of the main priorities.
If you think I’m exaggerating, just look around.

The entire Catholic leadership and a significant portion of Protestant leadership support the third world invasion of the West. The Catholic Church is the worst in this respect.

You literally have Catholic priests and Protestant pastors telling whites it’s their duty to adopt the the third world. This is not only maladaptive in a sociobiological sense, it’s also literal cuckoldry. Resources are finite. By adopting the third world, these whites are forgoing their own reproductive inclusive fitness.

Both Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention held conferences saying that churches need to devote more of their resources to “fighting racism.” Author unknown

I am recommending a class action lawsuit against all levels of government who neglect, dishonor, disrespect and violate the rights of there own citizens while helping unwanted and unneeded immigrants or non-compatible refugees going back many years! Legal Actions against UN treachery that undermines the sovereignty of countries must take place! Our goodwill has been completely corrupted!

Those on the left make the mistake of believing that nationalists exist to support and prop up the status quo corrupt political system and corrupt global economic system. The global economic internationalist and corporate system is the same system that seeks to destroy national, ethnic and cultural identity through mass immigration.

What I find funny about them is their accusations of 'racism' yet I wonder how many of deep down are attracted to people of their own race. They would never openly admit to such a thing but even within the lunacy of the left there is that preference for their own people deep down inside them.

By opposing all things nationalistic,  they believe they are opposing 'authority' and 'oppression'. The authority and oppression has not even begun yet.

The frequency in which they use the communist inspired word 'racist' and labels such as 'fascist', shows that it is a strategy they use against people with different political opinions, by doing so they hope to silence opposing views, back people into a corner and to portray to a watching public that views on things they disagree are to be 'associated' with 'evil'. If you can imagine a parrot on class A drugs repeating the same words over and over again then that is your left wing 'revolutionary'.

Nationalism rejects and opposes everything that is damaging to the nation and its people. That includes the global economic system that is run through shady groups such as the IMF, federal reserve and Bank of England. Nationalism in its truest form recognises who runs theses debt creators and financial enslavers of nations, and also understand the strategy of imposed mass immigration/multiculturalism and what it means for them.

The political system and global economic debt ridden system needs to be broken down. The policies that are born out of those corrupt systems need to be rejected. The people of each individual nation need to come together and recreate their nations free of treachery, debt corruption and deceit, and from all outside damaging influences including multiculturalism. - Author unknown