Anti-White Definition: People of any race, including White people, who promote and/or carry out deeds, laws, policies, rules and organizational entities that are inimical to the well-being of white people.

Some people are mistakably interpreting anti-White as being non-White. Anyone can be anti-White, as it is a state of mind.

In the case of the White anti-White however, the confusion seems to revolve around the fact that they themselves are White and they therefore cannot possibly be anti-White themselves. But we all know it is actions and ideas that dictate whether or not a person is anti-White; nothing else. 

If you support anti-White policies then you are anti-White. It does not matter whether you hide behind other labels such as “liberal”, “socialist” or even “conservative”.

So with this is mind, let us return to the question: “How can they possibly be anti-White when they themselves are White?“

The answer is simple. It is called treachery. And it happens all the time.

“If journalists, artists, celebrities, professors, politicians, etc, said the same things about Blacks, Orientals or, above all, Jews, that they routinely say about whites, they would be in prison.” 

“Note genocide doesn’t require wiping out a people completely. If we think of the genocides we know of, none of them resulted in wiping out a people completely. Thus the phrase “destroy in whole OR in part.”

CNN had no fear broadcasting an episode of “Parts Unknown” which discussed and celebrated a “predicted” future world without White people.

As acknowledged in the episode, this will result from the inevitable outcome of ongoing forced assimilation and mass non-white migration into all and only countries native to and settled by Europeans.

René Stessl said "I'm allowed to talk about utopias... in 70, 80 years there will be no white people anymore.”

Bourdain replied "That’s the only solution. It’s our only hope. It's our way out of this. It's going to take some time. But it's really the only way."

Now imagine what the reaction would be if there were a TV program celebrating actual government policies “predicted” to lead to a world without Asians, Blacks, or God forbid, without Jews? 

Note Bourdain portrays identity only for White peoples as “hateful”, even in what is undeniably our native land. 

Bourdain doesn’t talk about identity for Asians in Asia or elsewhere and Blacks in 50+ Black countries or elsewhere as “hateful”. And we could go on. He doesn’t talk about identity for Muslims in Islamic countries and elsewhere as “hateful”. And he certainly doesn’t talk about identity for Jews in Israel or elsewhere as “hateful”.

What exactly IS the difference between the way Hitler spoke of Jews and the way so-called “anti-racists” (of all races, including White “anti-racists,”) speak of (the White race)?

Like Hitler’s Jews, (according to “anti-racists,”) whites are the source of every major evil the world has seen. Like Goebbels’s Jews, (according to “anti-racists,”) whites are UNIQUELY evil.

One anti-white on OV in Stormfront was going on about the unique and soul-deep evil in white people. I mentioned that whites had never done anything BAD that others hadn’t done. The only things whites had done that were unique were GOOD things, like ending smallpox and starvation. What this guy was talking about every race had done, and the only difference was that whites had more power to do good or evil.

As I pointed out in “You Are not Denying Genocide, You are Justifying It," we can take advantage of the fact that we know exactly what the (anti-Whites) replies will be. That article stated that we know most of them are going to say how horrible whites are.

The reply to this is, "So you are justifying genocide!” They are admitting the program is to rid the earth of whites, but (they say) that is OK(, even good,) because whites are so awful. Which sounds a lot like what Hitler said about the Jews.

Leukophobia: The fear of white people organizing racially.

Ethnomasochism: Hatred of one's own race.

Or let’s just call it anti-Whitism.

If not for anti-Whitism, there’d be no such thing as a White guilt complex, cuckservatives like the parents of Rachel Dolezal (Rachel Moore) would be far fewer, so would Whites who just want to feel pride even if they have to pretend to be another race, and so would Whites who in some cases want to enjoy real privileges non-whites enjoy. If there were “White privilege,” no White would pretend to be non-white.

No non-white race ever handed us anything nor came to our rescue. Our ancestors committed no unique crimes. “White privilege” is just an anti-White lie used to try to justify anti-Whitism.

Like members of every other race is encouraged and allowed to feel, for good mental health White people too need to feel proud of our ancestors and our genetic and cultural collectives. It’s only White peoples who are forbidden from a healthy mindset about our race and ancestors. For the mental health of White people, especially White children, anti-Whitism must be rejected!

Singapore is used by Stessl and Bourdain as an example of what they describe as some kind of harmonious melting pot, but the Singapore Government is committed to keeping the racial proportions of Singapore at almost 80% Chinese! Only 15% are Malay, 7% are Indian, 1% is other. 

That’s not even close to the kind of multiracialism forced on Europeans everywhere. There is nothing like it!

Guest-worker immigration is the system of immigration adopted in all non-white countries.

A key feature of guest-worker immigration is that immigrants are temporary, economic residents. They are granted permission to stay to work for a limited period (e.g. for 10 years on a limited-time visa), after which they are expected to leave.

Another feature of guest-worker immigration is even if the immigrant population has a large number of births, their children will be returned home with their parents. Guest-worker immigration provides advantages without greatly affecting the demographic balance of the country deploying it. If desired, the total number of immigrants can be returned to zero – since immigrants neither become citizens nor permanent residents.

When Viktor Orban won his country’s election, he called for the total cessation of immigration into Hungary coupled with policies designed to boost native Hungarian birth-rates. The EU Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vidar Helgesen, called for the #EU to immediately impose economic sanctions on Hungary.

It is the worldview of Mr Helgesen which prevails amongst our leadership. And far from supporting measures which might halt ‘demographic decline’ Western leaders utterly condemn such measures and seek to demonize anyone brave enough to even suggest them.

French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy went even further; stating, on several occasions, that Europeans have a ‘moral obligation’ to engage in race-mixing – not just accept immigration.

The ugly truth is that all White countries have been forced to accept one system of immigration whilst non-Whites choose another.

We have been silenced by wolves justifying biased, one-sided policies as ‘fairness’. There is nothing fair about the outcome.

Anti-Whites make out like the few thousands of White people, working in non-White countries like China or Japan, is anywhere near equivalent, to the unending millions of non-Whites being brought into all White countries every year, that are allowed to vote and take over the place, along with the forced integration laws and endless race mixing propaganda in all White countries.??? lol Are you pulling my leg?

Anti-Whites need to admit they are anti-White and they want White GeNOcide.

“Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies.”

Alright let’s pretend that thousands of Whites haven’t been murdered in racially motivated attacks.

And let’s pretend that the Boers in South Africa are not on genocide watch because of their slaughter.

Even if the only method of genocide being used was massive non-White immigration into ALL countries native to and settled by White people and ONLY into White countries and forced integration and assimilation, this would still lead to the ELIMINATION of a unique human GENOtype, a GENOcide.

If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with millions of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in”, until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I would scream R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that. But I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in all White countries.
White people having their borders opened to non-White immigration is something that has been FORCED. We have been systematically targeted for a particular form of genocide, in this case a force-assimilation.

Mick Dodson, an Aboriginal leader who wrote the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission report “Bringing Them Home” along with Sir Ronald Wilson, has been quoted as saying: “assimilation is genocide”.

Pratt (the man who coined the term"racist") was a Baptist religious zealot who was particularly devoted to stamping out the identities of various North American tribes through assimilation. NPR’s author for some reason finds it paradoxical that somebody who condemns racism would be trying to stamp out the racial as well as the specific ethnic identities of Cheyenne, Choctaw, or Muscogee, when in fact it is perfectly consistent.

Racism in its proper meaning, as we see with Charles Malato and the Occitanian separatists a century ago (contemporary with Pratt), means concern for one’s race (however that race is defined), and an impulse to preserve that race, and, in accord with that, organization along racial lines. To condemn racism as such is ultimately to condemn the preservation of any race, with the mongrelization of all mankind, explicitly hoped by some, being the predictable long-term result.

Deliberate destruction of races through assimilation and mixture, as advanced—although in a more direct and obvious manner than we usually see—by Richard Henry Pratt with his Carlisle Indian Industrial School, is the ultimate implication of anti-racism (genocide). It is remarkable that anyone pretends to be confused about this.

Martin Sewell: “So-called racism is a perfectly natural in-group bias which has been stigmatized by the politically correct West.”

The holocaust does not justify Jewish anti-Whitism!

“The holocaust does not justify White genocide!”

What do you say if you’re asked (by Whites who have taken non-whites as sexual partners and have had children with them) “do you think my mixed race (child is/)children are an abomination?”

Response: Are you really using your (child/) children to justify the Genocide of the entire White race? Your question is just a slippery way of calling any White person, that objects to (what is defined under international law as the genocide of the White race) a “racist”.

No one does this to any non-White group that objects to their Genocide. They only do it to White people. ... all we want is an end to White genocide and a right to a future existence for White children.

But White peoples are a minority of the global population. Being made hated minorities and denied exclusive representation anywhere on Earth. We are denied representation even in our indisputable native homelands. What are referred to as “minorities” in countries native to and settled by White peoples, are mostly majority races of the global population. 

Today, figures vary on what percentage of the global population Europeans AKA White peoples globally make up, but it is without doubt less than only 15-10% of the global population. Most reported figures are very likely inflated. A more accurate figure is likely only 7%.

A century ago, Europe’s population was close to 30% of the total global population. Whites had limited resources and land in Europe and Russia. If we were talking about any other race, most would acknowledge that 5.35% of the Earth’s surface (Europe and Russia combined) was not enough for what was our percentage of the global population and that it was justified to explore and look for land that was undeveloped to settle.

Anti-Whites don’t throw accusations of “racism” and “supremacy” at the ancestors of any non-white who’s ancestors violently opposed White settlement. 

Anti-Whites psychologically abuse White peoples and only White peoples into fearing voicing natural survival instincts and a desire to see action in our own homelands that is in the interests of White peoples today and future generations of White peoples.

White peoples are the only race that is demonised if any of our people voice desire for our governments to take measures in our own homelands that are in the best interests of our people. 

We are denied sovereignty. 

We are denied a perfectly acceptable and sensible desire for the survival of our genetic and cultural collectives, something acceptable and sensible for every individual to feel about their race.

Anti-Whites say that only one race, the White race, has no right to self determination as unique genetic collectives and cultures. This is a genocidal world view and must be recognised as such.

Our people suffered all sorts of hardships, including famines and plagues, such as smallpox.

“Smallpox arrived in Europe in the 7th century with the Arab advance into Spain and Portugal.”

Anti-Whites don’t blame Arabs for spreading smallpox to Europeans, but anti-Whites blame Europeans for spreading smallpox to what is considered the Aboriginal of Australia and the Amerindians.

Anti-Whites constantly try to find justification for psychologically abusing White people and promoting hatred towards our ancestors and those of us alive today.

Anti-Whites have absolutely no empathy for what the majority of White people went through to simply survive. 

The only thing anti-Whites won’t give Whites credit for is how our ancestors endured so much and the endless list of good things White peoples achieved, which also benefited the rest of the world, like curing smallpox.

The only thing anti-Whites won’t give Whites credit for is how talented, hard working and innovative so many White people are and have proven to be throughout history.

Anti-Whites celebrate every race but the White race. 

The smallpox vaccine was created by a White man named Edward Jenner in 1796, and was the first successful vaccine to be developed.

Today, (the cult of political correctness insists that) anyone who says that the white race deserves credit for anything, from wiping out smallpox to going to the Moon, is a “racist.” But you are required to say that whites did everything evil.

To quote directly from the script, “This is a small step for Man and a Giant Leap for Mankind.”

Dr. Goebbels said the Jews were responsible for every evil thing that was done. Dr. Goebbels said that the bottom line was that the Jews had to (be gotten rid of).

Every student is taught that whites do the world’s evil and Mankind does all the good. This leads straight to the Final Solution to the White problem. #WhiteGenocide
The Final Solution has not changed... only the (final) solution (is now) applied to (White people).

They use terms like “a multiracial Europe” or “a melting pot America.” But the bottom line is that whites have to (remain un-represented, powerless even in our own homelands, and be blended out of existence).

Whites have never committed a unique crime, but (our race has) an infinite number of unique achievements.

According to the (cult) Religion of Political Correctness, only bad things were done by the White race, (and any) good thing (done by the White race) was(/is) done by “Humankind.”

Google has effectively book burned and social media platforms have banned an endless list of conservatives, especially going after pro-White activists.

To go along with these company’s nefarious efforts to steer people away from eating organic food and taking dietary supplements, Google is trying to memory hole the existence of white couples by populating its image archive with images of interracial or even black couples when searching for “white couples.” 

On the flip side, if you search for “black couples,” you’ll immediately pull up countless pages of actual black couples.

It’s all part of Google’s new anti-white, anti-truth “fairness” initiative, which has been blown wide open by Project Veritas.

Shortly after Project Veritas published a bombshell video exposing Google's massive criminal enterprise (election meddling, fraud, "programming" users, sedition and more), Google's YouTube blocked the video as it approached one million views.

That video has now been re-posted all across the 'net, including on BitChute, Infowars and now, the free speech alternative to YouTube.

An accurate description of what Google is now engaged in as it supposedly tries to create “fairness” across the web is nothing short of an online ethnic cleansing of white people.

“White inventors,” at least according to Google, are all black people, because Google no longer regards any accomplishments by white people as even being real.

Unlike non-white migrants who have been arriving in countries native to and settled by White peoples, in our ready made and successful countries, in ever increasing numbers since the 1960’s, our ancestors looked for undeveloped lands, and their intelligence, blood, sweat and tears made both Europe and overwhelmingly made countries settled by White people the envy of the world. 

Anti-Whites would never deny any non-white race any credit possible. Anti-Whites instead exaggerate any credit possible to give to any non-white race.

Anti-Whites would never deny any non-white race credit for any positives attributed to their race. Anti-Whites only deny White peoples credit for what our ancestors slaved over, built, shaped and fought for.

There’s a reason why every race would like to claim as their own every single country both native to and settled by White peoples.

This is what anti-Whites say we must all agree on: What is non-White belongs to non-Whites. What is White also belongs to non-Whites.

A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes non-white races reparations.

Anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White pick the countries that must allow endless mass citizenship immigration of foreign genetics and incompatible cultures by that exact criterion.

When someone asks what a White country is, you tell them it’s a country they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of non-white 3rd worlders.

One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur. Are you prepared to make that statement?

Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of #WhiteGenocide is a justification for that exact policy.

Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race’s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

A sociopath has no loyalties, as a psychopath is incapable of guilt. You can’t explain to a sociopath WHY he should care about his own kind.

We are always being asked why we worry about our race. A QUESTION that would never be asked of any non-white person.
Anti-racism is entirely anti-White. Anti-racist is code for anti-White.

Today, Europeans AKA White people total global populations stands at less than 15-7%.

If you add up the percentage of the Earths surface of all lands native to and settled by White people, (excluding Latin America, but including South Africa, both lands that now the percentage of White people that make up the population is insignificant,) it equals less than a tiny 11% of the earth.

How does this compare with other races?

Asians constitute 45 percent of the world population. Asia is dominated by Asians, is overwhelmingly populated by Asian and covers approximately 30% of the Earth's land area.

Blacks currently make up approximately 15% of the global population.

Including Haiti, Jamaica and South Africa, all being countries Blacks are not the native of and all being lands Blacks are the majority race in, along with the rest of Africa, Blacks have dominance over approximately 22% of the earth.

“Africa has around 1,162 million hectares of agricultural land which corresponded to nearly 40 percent of the continent's total land area.”

Including adjacent islands, Africa alone covers 20% of the Earth's land area.

Africa is 80% Black.

Africa is 7 times the size of Europe.

There are 50+ Black countries, including “Zimbabwe which has declared it is not for Whites, and the Liberian constitution states that you can only be a citizen of the country if you are “a Negro or of Negro descent.

Excluding Whites, anti-Whites support every genetic and/or religious group maintaining exclusive territories and acting in their collectives interests in both their own exclusive land and the homelands of Whites. 

Anti-Whites don’t care the Congoid race genocided the Capoid race or Hottentots, the native of South Africa.

Anti-Whites insist lands White people made a home for themselves in HUNDREDS of years ago, “always was and always will” belong to the Aboriginal, Inuit, Amerindians and Māori. 

Anti-Whites don’t care the Māori descend from those that hunted to extinction as a food source the fair skinned people they encountered when they invaded the Island.

Anti-Whites don’t care that Amerindians descend from those that wiped out the White giants they encountered in N.America.

We could go on!

White people are natives/aboriginals of Europe... then there's evidence White people were in more places than just Europe, before what are now called natives, wiped them out.

No one expects any non-white to compensate White people because Whites were historically killed or so thoroughly genetically assimilated by non-whites in lands once inhibited by White peoples. In few cases genetic remnants remain.

No one expects any non-white to compensate White people because Whites are still intentionally genetically assimilated or killed by non-whites.

There are FIFTY plus Black countries, including lands not native to Blacks. There are countless Asian countries, including Arabs and Indians, regardless of if there is evidence of another race once, and in some cases, still existing in that region. Those countries are run unapologetically for and by the racial majority that exists there today, and no one, including White people, expects any different.

Using whole lies and half truths, anti-Whites try to justify why White peoples don’t deserve the same right as those considered native to lands settled by White peoples to have exclusive territories and representation in both Europe and the undeveloped lands settled by Europeans hundreds of years ago.

Anti-Whites try to justify why White peoples don’t deserve the same right as Black and Asian people have to have exclusive territories and representation.

Pictured ⬇️ Host Candace Owens

Excerpt: CANDACE OWENS (HOST): I didn't understand it at first. I was trying to reconcile the Jewish people that I grew up with who I love and who are my friends…with this sort of DC Jew who was using words to silence people. They were threatening people. I started to recognize this is just like Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter was this implicit threat to white people -- do what we say, do what we want, or we will ruin your life. That was the intention. We will ruin your effing life by smearing and libeling you…so that they can gain political power. That's what they're doing. I don't hate Jewish people. I hate bad people. Jewish people, I wanna invite you to call these people out in the same way that when my community had rot in it, I was willing to call them out. (BLM are) not allowing (White people) to say what they think without trying to ruin their lives… ultimately what their goal is is submission. Basically, what these people are saying is you will submit or (they) will ruin your life. 

Full video and transcript here:

Though Candace Owens unfortunately goes on and on about Marxism, downplaying the root issue being anti-Whitism, Owens still makes an excellent point about Jews with power and influence doing evil things, using their Jewish identity to hide behind and shield them from criticism and consequences. Good to see such a point made in the mainstream.

Note that the United Nations International Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide explains that genocide doesn’t have to be violent. In particular, item (c) covers very well the principal method that anti-Whites are using to carry out White Genocide:

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole OR in part.

Only White people are expected to allow our countries to be flooded with other races and to blend ourselves out of existence! No sane person of any race would want that for their own race.

Anti-Whites claim to be against “racists” but the “racists” are White people who oppose White genocide or it’s effects. “Anti-racist” is a code for anti-White.

Terms like “reverse racism,” implies White tribes are the only that ever acted in the interests of their own.

My Black former bestfriend said to me…
“So what if there weren't White people anymore!? Then there won't be "racism" anymore."

As if, for example, Whites prevent any Asian country from having open boarders for Negroids and 50+ Black countries, (including Zimbabwe which has declared it is not for Whites, and the Liberian constitution states that you can only be a citizen of the country if you are “a Negro or of Negro descent,”) from having open boarders for non-Blacks?

This former friend of mine thinks "racism" will end when there are no Whites left, when there are only non-Whites, like her!

Of course, Whites do not prevent Asians and Blacks, in their exclusive ethno-states, from having open boarders for other races!
Unlike White people, non-whites are free to protect the interests of and practice a natural preference for their own.

If we Whites admit to our “progressive” White and non-white friends, that White people should be thinking of our tribes interests, we get called a “racist.”
That is because “racism” is code for anything White and “anti-racist” is code for anti-White!

Anti-Whites are anyone, including White people, who promote and carry out actions, including government officials implementing policies, that have been, and continue to be harmful and destructive, in whole OR in part, to the White collective.

Media and academia promote violence towards White peoples, including children, and brainwash White people to believe we are inherently evil, that we owe the rest of the world and have no right to our homelands.

Western Governments, against the wishes of White people, carry out policies that are intended to turn White peoples, a minority of the global population, into minorities in our homeland’s. That alone fits the definition of genocide.

At least historically, most, if not ALL races took land from another genetic collective and engaged in slavery, but anti-Whites call it “White supremacy and privilege” that we ever organised like every other race will never stop doing, that we ever had exclusive institutions.

The worst anti-Whites of all are White. White self hatred and treason is sick!

The Dalai Lama has spoken against White Genocide.


The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader of Buddhism said Europe must eventually send back “refugees” and cannot turn into an Arab continent.

Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany.

There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.

From a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily.

The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.

The Dalai Lama has called out the “unabated influx of Chinese immigrants to Tibet” a policy of genocide, because it was “reducing the Tibetans to an insignificant minority in their own country.” The same thing is happening in Western countries full of White people. 

The people in powerful and influential positions demand that we have open borders, so we can create “diversity”. Of course, in order to create this “diversity” all the White areas must be destroyed in the process. Well, that is not “diversity” or “multiculturalism” or whatever the hell you want to call it. That is White genocide.

The Dalai Lama wants to stop the genocide of Tibetans and he is praised as a great man. Me, and many more like me, want to stop the genocide of White people in our own countries and South Africa, and what happens? I am branded an “evil-nazi-who-wants-to-kill-all-the-jews”. These anti-Whites have got nothing but horrible words.

Han Chinese settler colonialism, in other words, massive Han Chinese immigration into Tibet and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done to Tibetans in Tibet. When it’s done to White people in White countries it’s called “diversity.”

Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support their own Genocide. Their teachers teach White children self-hatred. Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

When the word “racist” is used against any other race it doesn’t result in job loss,fines or imprisonment. People might agree that other races are racist and laugh, but there are no serious consequences except for Whites. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Liberalism is bigoted because believing you have the right to prosecute and silence anyone who doesn’t think like you is every bit as arrogant and bigoted as racism is supposed to be. There is no universal standard for how people should live and liberals are fascist-minded for thinking (and acting) as if there is.
All people have the right to put their people first. Hence, the reason why there is a race problem is because (according to the liberal “standard”) only white folks don’t have that right.

Anti-Whites insist White people have no right to exclusive claim to land anywhere. 

Fanatical anti-Whites, including sick brainwashed self hating Whites, aren’t outraged by Blacks and Asians being a majority in a significant portion of the Earths surface. 

50+Black countries belong to Blacks, countless Asian countries belong to Asians, including Arab Muslims and Jews in the Middle East and Indians in India and Pakistan.

While anti-Whites insist land settled by Europeans belongs to the “natives”, they also insist on never ending Asian and Black migration into that land. 

But it is not those considered native to lands settled by Europeans that are the target of genocide. It is White people in both lands settled by and native to Europeans who are the target of this campaign of genocide by immigration. 

Europe covers only about 2% of Earth's surface. A generous estimate is that only 86% of Europes population are truly native Europeans. 

Russia covers only about 3.35% of Earth's surface. A generous estimate is that only 84% of Russians are White. 

The United States makes up only 1.87% of the Earth's land surface. Only 2.6% of the total North American population identify at least partially as American Indian or Alaska Native. North America has gone from being a majority White country to nearly a whopping 40% of the people living in North America identify with a race or ethnic group other than White. 

Canada makes up only 1.96% of the Earth's land surface. Only 5.0% of the total Canadian population are considered Indigenous. Canada is now a whopping 30% non-white country.

Australia makes up only 1.51% of the Earth's land surface. Including Torres Strait Islander people, only 3.8% of the total Australian population are considered “First Nations” people. Australia has gone from being a majority White country to a whopping 20% people living in Australia being of a non-European background. 

New Zealand makes up only 0.053% of the Earths surface. 17.8% of New Zealand's population are Māori. While almost a whopping 30% of New Zealand is non-white. 

South Africa makes up only 0.239% of Earth's land surface. Blacks too are not native to South Africa. A country named and once made a successful part of Africa by White people. The percentage of Blacks of the population of South Africa went from 68.6% to 76% during 1946-90. White people didn’t bring them in. Blacks poured in. Blacks to this day continue to force their way into countries they claim are oppressive to them.

Blacks now make up 81% of the South African population. The white population in South Africa was 20% during 1946-90 and is now approximately only 7%. 

Anti-Whites have brought millions of non-whites into the homelands of Whites and expect this to continue. 

Anti-Whites are fully intending to get rid of us by ensuring non-whites overwhelm us in both countries settled by and native to White peoples and doing their best to convince Whites to genetically blend ourselves out of existence while inciting violence towards us.

Anti-Whites think they can justify their hostility towards our existence by bringing up non unique bad things some dead Whites did to some dead non-whites. 

Anti-White have allowed into the native and settled lands of Europeans non-whites who prefer to live in countries native to and settled by Europeans rather than lands dominated by their own genetic collective. But a people make a place.

Everyone is allowed to acknowledge that East Asians average a higher IQ and larger brain than Europeans and other races. Yet Europeans have invented, no exaggeration, nearly everything that is uniquely significant, along with cultures and countries that everyone wants to take ownership of. But no one is allowed to acknowledge that both East Asians and Europeans average a higher IQ and larger brain than Negroids. 

If you accept the fact that East Asians and Europeans average a higher IQ and larger brain than Negroids, it should be no surprise that not just historically, but presently, few Negroids excel in and make significant contributions to science, (I’m trying to think of just one and can’t!?), along with Negroid dominated areas and countries being undesirable places to live, even for Negroids.

What’s the solution? That’s for the best of the Black race to figure out. But it sure as hell is not the fault, NOR the responsibility of Whites! 

When the races think, INVENT, CREATE and behave the same, then there will be racial equality. In other words, there won't be.

There are racial realities that are being denied that help explain the difference in life expectancy and the quality of life that the different races create! 

There would be no diversity if the races were all the same.

Anti-Whites are driven by a deep, underlying psychosis which falsely blames white people for all problems encountered by nonwhites.

…”systemic racism,” code word for “blame whitey.”

…blacks are being shot down and murdered en masse in the US—by other blacks, not by whites…when blacks do the killing, “black lives don’t matter.”

…thorough analysis of official crime records in the US, the UK, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Norway, Australia, and South Africa, whites worldwide are overwhelmingly the victims of nonwhite criminal attacks, and not the other way around.

…poverty distribution among racial groups shows, through statistical evidence, that poor whites do not commit crime to the same level at which poor blacks do.

…behavior is linked to intelligence; the vast intellectual differences between the races are the reason for different behavioral patterns;

…IQ is genetic, and racially defined…low IQ has been conclusively linked to crime rates—among all races—and that, because of the racial IQ distribution, those races with average lower IQs will automatically have a larger number of criminally-inclined individuals;

…the link between schizophrenia, the MAOA “aggression gene,” and violent crime; these inherited traits are unevenly distributed between the races, causing a further behavioral pattern which reflects in a higher crime rate.

…racial demographic change inevitably results in differing interpretations of history…”black history” is being invented to replace white history.

A culture is only preserved when the people who created it are preserved intact within their own geographic area.

…the Arab/Muslim slave trade responsible for great numbers of blacks being enslaved, but “reparations” are only demanded from whites, never from the Muslim world—showing the anti-white focus of such claims… the Arab/Muslim slave trade enslaved 2.5 million whites—more than the entire number of blacks transported to North America but whites do not blame Muslims for whatever social ills they may have. 

Europeans shaped and made Europe and despite what anti-Whites falsely claim, overwhelmingly, it is White peoples who slaved over, built, shaped and made countries settled by Europeans. 

Areas within counties both native to and settled by Europeans that have been taken over by non-whites have changed for the worse in all measures.

The more non-whites are allowed to move to countries native to and settled by Europeans, the more our countries become like the countries they have left. Countries most Europeans would never want to live in.

The more countries native to and settled by Europeans are populated, the more environmental degradation we see to our homelands. The less resources there are to go round. The more the cost of living will increase. The more overpopulated our homelands become. 

The more non-white migration there is into countries native to and settled by Europeans, the more racial and cultural division will be. 

It’s a one way street to destruction, in every shape and form.

We are being made a hated minority in our own homelands, and against our will. 

“Predictions” of a world without White people as a result of the inevitable outcome of ongoing forced assimilation and mass non-white migration into all countries native to and settled by Europeans is indeed the plan we must refuse.

Whites are the only race shamed for wanting to live apart and to be a majority in countries native to and created/settled by Whites in what makes up only less than 11% of the earths surface.

No one tries to demonise any non-white race for historically nor presently wanting to remain racially and politically apart no matter what their percentage of the global population and how much of the Earths surface they dominate. 

Only White people are not allowed to practice separatism. Only we are not allowed to have anything to ourselves, nothing exclusive. We are not allowed one institution and not one inch of the earth to ourselves.

Whites who descend from Whites historically looking to make a better life for themselves in lands settled by White peoples have been shamed for wanting to live apart in what makes up only 5.683% of the Earths surface?

Whites have been shamed for wanting to remain separate and a majority in less than 11% of the Earths surface?

White people have been completely psychologically abused and mislead into thinking what they support is fair, when in no way, shape or form is it.

We must build political opposition to mainstream political parties taking turns doing this to us, academia and the media social engineering White self hatred brainwashing White people to hate themselves and to work against our own interests, while inciting hatred and violence towards us.

White peoples should be taking measures to increase our current and future percentage of the global population and to maintain dominance in every inch of the only 11% of the Earths surface that is rightfully our home.

As pointed out atAMREN, non-white masses (have clamored and continue) clamoring to leave their independent (racially exclusive) ethnostates to live under what many of them call "white supremacist" rule?

Two popular topics of conversation for non-whites studying here are1) how superior their civilization is, and2) how they can keep from having to go back (to their countries). 

When most think of a "supremacist" they think of a European AKA a White person. This is a completely wrong train of thought that has been socially engineered by anti-Whites.

Ask yourself why generations of our people have been indoctrinated to be so anti-White? How does that serve our people and future generations of White children!?

There are supremacists of every race and there always has been. There’s also classism and other forms of supremacy, such as ideological.

A new generation in the West (has not learnt) about non-white forms of slavery because our academics and teachers are still under the sway of (anti-Whites).

…slavery persists to this day in the Middle East. Consider the enslavement of Christian and “polytheist” Yazidi women and children during the Islamic State’s caliphate in Syria and Iraq (2015 to 2019). Affiliates of the Islamic State are still in operation in Nigeria, Libya, Egypt (the Sinai Peninsula), Yemen, Afghanistan and so on.

…slavery is not confined to the Middle East. (It is rife in Black dominated) sub-Saharan Africa, (Asian dominated) North Korea, Mongolia and South-East Asia.

“Much of what has been written (about the enslavement of White peoples) minimizes the impact that slavery had,” Robert Davis said. “But when you take a broader view, the massive scope of (White) slavery and its powerful impact become clear.”

Davis said the vast scope of slavery in North Africa has been minimized, in large part because it is on no one’s agenda to discuss what happened. “Slaves were still slaves, whether they are black or white.”

European slaves worked hard and lethally in quarries, in heavy construction and rowing the corsair galleys themselves. Many of the countries that were victims of slavery, such as France and Spain, would later conquer and colonize the areas of North Africa where their citizens were once held as slaves. - Jeff Grabmeier

A holocaust was perpetrated against generations of White People. The horrors they experienced equal anything the more famous sufferers have undergone. Yet, of all the dusty shelves in the dark corners of "SUPPRESSED" history, none has been more completely obscured than the story of WHITE SLAVES!

Today, not a tear is shed for the sufferings of our own enslaved forefathers. White (slavery) has been almost completely obliterated from the collective memory of (White) people.

Most of the books researched are titled with words like "White Indentured Servitude," White "bondservants," White "servants" etc. WHITE PEOPLE WHO WERE BOUND TO A CONDITION OF WHAT BECAME PERMANENT SLAVERY UNTO DEATH, ARE NOT REFERRED TO AS SLAVES BY ESTABLISHMENT ACADEMICS.

A correct understanding of the authentic history of the enslavement of Whites (around the world would) have profound consequences for the future of the races.
Slavery was not a white institution.[A].htm


Who is going to pay White People whose ancestors were slaves!?

This presentation is much shorter than it could be, but space does not allow more.
The documentary record compels us to face the fact that a #holocaust was perpetrated against generations of White People. The horrors they experienced equal anything the more famous sufferers have undergone. Yet, of all the dusty shelves in the dark corners of SUPPRESSED history, none has been more completely obscured than the story of the WHITE SLAVE.

Historians of Today Are Total Cowards, and Are Not Willing to Present Anything That Might Upset the Estab. And if they do display the courage necessary to present the truth, they will be ridiculed and driven from the faculties of the so‑called halls of learning.

Others have their own agenda, which has nothing to do with truth; an agenda to present a false historical perspective so as to destroy the faith of Whites and so destroy their pride in the process.[A].htm

“Our ancestors suffered more than any plantation labourer. Let no-one lecture us with the pious guilt of the ‘chattering classes.’ Don’t preach to us, Liberal, when it was your kind that emancipated the African (Negroid) slave while leaving our own children to work 16-hour days in the factories.”

Anti-Whites of all races, including White anti-Whites, use whole lies and half truths that many anti-Whites seemingly truly believe to be true, to try to convince all of us, even White peoples whose ancestors were enslaved by non-whites, worked to death, or genetically assimilated, either way, never to be seen again, that we are supposed to feel collective white-guilt.

Anti-Whites convince White children that all the problems and suffering in the world is all caused by our existence, in one way or another, and therefore it is implied, if not outright stated, the world would have no problems and suffering, if it wasn’t for our existence. We are expected to commit collective suicide

… there’s discussion of legislation that will give jail terms for those who bully someone to the point that person commits suicide.
The 1948 Genocide Convention says that same thing, at the racial level, where it specifies ‘infliction of physical or MENTAL HARM upon members of the group’ is GENOCIDE.

Psychologically abusing White peoples and children by brainwashing them into hating their own race and themselves, into accepting or supporting what is “predicted” (set up by policies) to led a world where White people are blended out of existence, is the attempt to convince White people and children to commit genetic suicide, and IS Genocide.

Julius Malema, leader of the third-largest South African political party, led a massive stadium crowd in a vicious chant of “Kill the Boer! Kill the farmer!” — in other words, an explicit call for massive violence against the white population of South Africa.

With abuses against whites increasing in South Africa, the concept of “right of return” has been put forth. The alternative term is “right of abode.” Ghana has one for folks of African origin, and of course Israel is the most well known. As it currently stands, many white South Africans who try to apply for citizenship to European countries, such as the Netherlands and U.K., (as well as countries settled by White peoples) are rejected outright. Many of these white South Africans seeking citizenship are direct descendants of the very same European nations that reject them. 

In the ultimate gesture of extreme political correctness (and hypocrisy), these same countries promote open borders for individuals of non-European descent.

Genocide Watch (that exists to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder,) rates the threat assessment to Whites in South Africans as 6 on a scale of 8. (EXTERMINATION is stage 7.)

The Afrikaner organizations are organizing for self-defense. These folks have three-hundred year roots in SA and it looks like they wish to stay and, if necessary, fight. Not everybody wants to fight and die in a race war.

It is important that we recognize (globally, governments, academia, powerful institutions and most mainstream media outlets are) systematically (working against a race, the White race,) and work to correct this before the effects of anti-white ideology are so great that they are impossible to (change).