This goes for all Whites, not just American. Whites must act to promote and protect their legitimate interests.

One example we might follow is that of Korean-Americans who pool funds to provide capital to entrepreneurs in their communities. This is done so with the expectation that they will help the community if their endeavors prove successful. Another possibility is establishing councils of successful businessmen who can provide advice and council to new entrepreneurs.

A key principle to follow is keeping our money as much as possible in our own community. To do so, we must patronize friendly business owners and professionals. Compilation of a White “yellow pages” for various localities would be helpful for this purpose. Its circulation, of course, would have to be discreet, lest the press discover it and fan outrage over the “racism” involved.

Another vital step is cultivating a work ethic for ourselves and our children, with an emphasis on acquiring skills and practicing discipline to save money. At the same time, we must practice generous giving to activities which serve our community. A further strategy is for us to get jobs in “mainstream” businesses and institutions, and then use the influence we can acquire to encourage the hiring of more of our people.

With financial power and economic networking, we will be able to provide jobs and opportunities for our community. Also they will provide us with the means to establish institutions to advance our goals, and fund political candidates who will defend our interests.

Legal power is essential with a legal system not friendly to our interests. At minimum we have to establish state-wide networks of lawyers who can defend our interests in court. At least in the beginning, some of these lawyers would have to work pro bono. As a longer-term objective, we will need organizations similar to the American Civil Liberties Union to meet the national legal challenges we will face.

Media power will be necessary to advance our message and counter the lies and propaganda of the “mainstream” news organization. Our ultimate goal, admittedly difficult to attain, should be creating or buying large-scale media and entertainment outlets. In the meantime, we must find creative ways to use the Internet and other means to spread our viewpoints. People in our movement with talent in writing and other media-related skills should form guilds where they hone our messaging and strategies for dissemination. One thing we should all do is to spread distrust toward the establishment media as possible. We will have ample opportunity to do this as the dishonesty of those media and their malice toward us become ever more obvious. At the same time, we need to encourage public trust of the media we develop.

Education is a key field where we must focus. Our opponents largely control it, and thereby greatly influence the beliefs and attitudes of the rising generation. The long-term objectives should be creating new educational institutions and recapturing existing ones.

A guild of scholars would be helpful to decide curricula and propose strategies. Establishing private schools at the elementary and secondary level should be is a primary goal. Another option is homeschooling, a growing movement which reflects general disenchantment with the educational establishment. For higher education, we can exert pressure on state-funded colleges and universities to offer the diversity in viewpoints that they demand on the basis of race. Eventually, we will need universities of our own to affirm our culture and values. At all stages, we must strive to impart our beliefs to our children, regardless of where they receive their formal education.

Section III

Many of our people feel daunted by the problems we face, and plaintively ask: Just what can one person do? A better question is: What will happen, if each of us doesn’t do as much as he or she can possibly do? Samuel Johnson stated that nothing so powerfully focuses the mind as the prospect of one’s demise. With our minds focused on the prospects outlined in Section I, let’s shift our mindsets from helplessness to determination and possibility thinking.

Just what each and every one of us can do? Most certainly we can strive for personal excellence in body, mind, and spirit. The following are some specific ideas. Quit eating agribusiness junk food and switch to a healthy diet. Exercise—learn a martial art. Abandon junk media culture and cultivate your mind with the great art, music, literature, and cinema of our Western culture. Broaden your knowledge—learn a new trade. Embrace what Theodore Roosevelt called the “strenuous life,” and leave behind the toxic apathy and passivity that so blights our modern world.

Next, honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses, and determine how you can be an asset to the movement. Specifically, you might meditate on what you might contribute to the projects outlined in Section II. If you don’t have the talent and inclination to start and maintain a business, don’t worry. Once again, you can support those who do. If nothing else, you at least can learn to manage your money well, stay out of debt, and allocate your money to further our cause.

Whatever your niche is, find it—and fill it well. The best way to do what is to set tangible objectives, both short-term and long-term. Bear in mind the old saying that if you aim at nothing, that’s exactly what you’ll hit. Some possible goals? If you’re a young person, strive to marry and have children. Strong families and the haven of home-life are essential to our wellbeing and survival. Are you good at music? Then compose songs to inspire our struggle.

Our watchword should be creativity. If our history shows anything, it is that we are unsurpassed as an innovative and creative people. Now we must apply that innovative talent to secure our future. Creativity, however, cannot thrive in an attitude of negativity—an attitude unfortunately common quite among a lot of us today.

Yes, we face difficult odds and concerted malice. But rather than turn to bitterness and defeatism, we might recall the words of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings when Frodo complained about the deadly evil that he and his companions faced. “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But it is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given us.”

It may be that we Westerners were never meant to lead lives of too much ease, and that our true destiny requires hardship. Thus instead of regarding the difficult times that we face as an imposition, we might view them as a necessary and beneficial challenge—one we might even thank our enemies for providing.

For the struggle ahead, we must seek inspiration. Those of us who are Christian need to harken to the faith of our fathers (as opposed to the effeminate religiosity so common in churches today). All of us should draw strength from the inspiring myths, legends, and histories of our people. One relevant to our circumstances today is the Anabasis of Xenophon, particularly as described in the account of classicist Edith Hamilton.

Xenophon was a soldier in ancient Greece who joined a force of 10,000 Greek mercenaries to serve Cyrus, the king of Persia. While they were there, Cyrus was killed, and members of another Persian faction slaughtered all the senior leaders of the Greeks. These Persians assumed that without leaders the Greek force would disintegrate and become easy picking for annihilation. As a people accustomed to oriental despotism, the Persians couldn’t imagine men acting without appointed leadership.

They didn’t understand, as Hamilton observed, that the Greeks were men of the West. Unlike the slave-like Persians, they were men of initiative and creativity, with a profound love of freedom. They immediately reorganized, closed ranks, and began what historian Will Durant called “one of the greatest adventures in human history.” Xenophon and the 10,000 overcame innumerable hardships as they made their way back to Greece, a journey of 1,500 miles through mountains and deserts, while contending with hostile forces all along the way.

Ingenious tactics saved them many times. To illustrate, when they ran out of arrows, they would taunt their enemies while staying just out of arrow range. As they faced their foes, a rain of arrows fell harmlessly before them, thus replenishing their supply.

Today, like the 10,000, we have been made leaderless, and most of our institutions have betrayed us. Truly we face a daunting challenge. As our enemies gleefully predict our doom, let’s recall who we are—men and women of the West—and act accordingly.

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