Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, planned a smart city for an area of Toronto. That city was to have sensors embedded everywhere, literally, and residents would have services restricted unless they exposed every aspect of their lives digitally.  If, as a resident, you refused to have your data linked to your identity, you would have less rights than others.What’s the justification for this dystopia?The story is that your greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by consolidating populations into dense city centers where energy and water usage can be limited.This gets you out of the rural areas where you can do what you want, raise livestock, grow food with water from your well, drive your farm truck, and own a firearm.In order to implement Agenda 21 your old life has to be transformed—code for destroyed, and rebuilt: the new normal.Your beliefs and expectations have to be transformed and rebuilt as well.Your energy use, water use, food consumption, social structure, work, health and life expectancy views—all must be transformed.You don’t vote for it.  You pay for it.Federal and State grants pay for consultants who basically contract to push this through the community.  When the few concerned citizens show up to the visioning meetings and charettes, as they call them, to object, the consultants are there to block opposition and indoctrinate the public.  The consultants are trained change agents and organizational managers who are there to give the impression that they’ve listened to the public and the public approves the plan.But it’s all an act.I think you’ll agree that this is a big deal, a tough sell, and a huge management problem even with deception and the collusion of (corporations). It’s not easy to destroy nearly 500 years of the nationstate, so it has to be done incrementally using all of the power and influence of government, corporations, organizations, including all tech, entertainment, media, and education.It’s a mega-corporate plan.

The Great Reset, the Paris Accord, 5G, COVID 19, “Systemic Racism”, the Green New Deal all lead to Agenda 21 (what is also known by Agenda 2030)…

“It’s about transferring (wealth and) destroying your voice. It’s about changing your government to ‘governance’…destroying your ability to be free and be independent. And the goal, of course is to transfer power from local- and individuals (you and I) to (the “elite” and their) global governance.”

“What this plan does is it destroys the nation-state and devolves it into megacities…it breaks national, state, county and city borders, destroying your ability to control what happens to you…”
“It’s a global plan implemented locally…it’s a stealth plan…you’ll never see it called ‘Agenda 21’.”

“If they could have arranged an alien landing, they would have…global crisis requires a global response and justifies global governance. What could be more global than Climate Change? …a pandemic?”

This plan has existed on paper since the 1880s with the Fabian Society, attracting luminaries but it tends to hide behind environmentalist causes and more recently, behind COVID-19 and “systemic racism”.
It wasn’t until now that the technology existed to make their dreams come true.
“…automated policing by means of AI, drones and robots. Then, you’ll have a real dangerous situation.”

“This is what the Climate Change thing is about. You are using too much energy, water and land and need to be more easily controlled.”

“We’re being conditioned to be passive…to click a “Like” and think we’re being a political activist…I don’t mean to insult you – but let me insult you: you don’t even know where your city council meets. You think it doesn’t matter. But you better believe it does matter…what you need to do is…be your government…you need to know what Agenda 21 looks like, so when you see it in your city, you can go and talk about it, you can get yourself elected – or talk about it.”

“You can stand up at your city council…just knowing without doing something about it is not enough…so you have to become more politically active.”

Supremacist Roots of the EU. Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism.

It was Kalergi, in his 1925 magnum opus Praktischer Idealismus who foresaw a future ruled by “elite” Jews.

Mixed race Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi in the early 1920s established the Pan European Union, the prototype for a superstate in Europe populated by an Eurasian-Negroid hybrid race.

It was #Kalergi who suggested Beethovens hymn as the EU's anthem, and was very active in the design of the EU logo which contains 12 stars which symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel. The logo was finalized by Jew Paul M.G. Lévi.

Otto von Habsburg was Coudenhove-Kalergi's successor as president of the Pan European Union. He is a honorary professor of the University of Jerusalem, and recipient of the “International Humanitarian Award” of the anti-White “Anti Defamation-League” of the Jewish B'nai B'rith Masonry Lodge.

The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Australia: White people founded and populated these nations. All of these nations operated under the implicit mandate that they existed as White nations for the posterity of the White founding stock. All of these nations had overwhelmingly White populations for the preponderance of their histories.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, now known as the Charlemagne Prize, has been awarded to statesmen for the promotion of “European integration”—a euphemism for the genocide of the White European people.

To quote Christian Miller: The overarching goal of the “open borders” movement is to flood millions of non-Whites into all White nations. Make no mistake—this is White genocide.

If Whites become a minority in their own homelands, the game will be over.

Definition: Nation State*a form of political organization under which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state.

“European peoples are mixed together with those arriving (non-whites). These countries are no longer nations.” - Viktor Orban