Mass immigration ‘Ponzi scheme’: Over the last 12 years, Australia’s annual net overseas migration has tripled from its long-term average to 210,000 people per year.

Our cities are bursting at the seams, roads and services are congested, and house prices are skyrocketing — particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, which attract the lion’s share of "new Australians".

Over the last 12 years, Sydney has added 20 per cent to its population, or 800,000 people. Melbourne has added one million people over the same period, or 27 per cent.

According to state government projections, Sydney will add another 1.7 million people over the next 20 years, which works out to 87,000 people a year, or 1650 people per week. Melbourne is forecast to add 97,000 people per year, or around 1870 people per week, for the next 35 years.

“It’s clearly unsustainable,” said Leith van Onselen, chief economist with Macro Business.

According to Mr van Onselen, dubbed the “Unconventional Economist”, Howard “effectively ran a bait-and-switch policy”.

“He opened the floodgates on people coming by plane,” he said.

“Howard never articulated why he was doing that, he just did it, and unfortunately the following governments, Rudd, Gillard, #Abbott and now Turnbull, just followed.”

Mr van Onselen, who is one of the few public commentators calling for a national debate about Australia’s annual migration intake, says there is now “tri-partisan support” between the Liberals, Labor and even the Greens to not discuss the issue.

Behind the scenes, the “growth lobby” of retailers, the banking sector, the property industry and “erroneously named think tanks” all push the “growth-ist agenda”.

Late last year, high-profile entrepreneur Dick Smith came out in support of Pauline Hanson, warning that Australia would be “destroyed” if One Nation’s immigration policies weren’t taken seriously: http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/john-howards-baitandswitch-is-it-time-for-a-debate-on-the-mass-immigration-ponzi-scheme/news-story/163e317be07822ca17641dd98415713f

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My stance for the protection and preservation of my ethno-cultural heritage is often misrepresented as racist. But the truth is that these issues affect ALL of us irrespective of ethnic origin.

EVERY ethno-culture on the face of the Earth is worthy of protection and preservation. Globalization and multiculturalism is destroying diversity.

If we love each other, if we value our unique differences, if we want to respect and promote diversity on this planet as we move into a global era... then we must understand that multiculturalism is actively working to destroy diversity on the planet.

As someone who has always been fascinated by world cultures, and who loves my own cultural heritage deeply but also respects and encourages other ethnic groups to love and value their own ethno-culture, I cannot sit idly by and watch homogenization destroy our diversity without speaking up.

I cannot let Liberals and Socialists call everyone who loves diversity a racist. I cannot be silent while love of different races is misrepresented as some kind of false supremacy.

Homogenization destroys diversity. THINK ABOUT THAT. www.carolynemerick.com

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As someone who has campaigned for an end to mass immigration and for the compulsory repatriation of non-White immigrants, I am very familiar with the National Front and one time British National Party slogan, ‘Stop immigration, start repatriation!’ and have lost count of the number of times I have heard liberals and leftists argue that repatriation in particular, is impractical, cannot be countenanced on humanitarian grounds and would make Britain a pariah state in the eyes of the ‘international community’, thereby attracting penal and potentially crippling trade sanctions.

The liberals and leftists argue that; the ‘international community’ would not just stand by and let Britain conduct a programme as ‘inhumane’ as the repatriation of non-White immigrants; the nations from which the immigrants originated might not be prepared to take the immigrants back; and there would be uproar nationally as the majority of the British people would find such a measure unacceptable. So, what is the truth of the matter?

In recent months, we have seen two nations, Saudi Arabia and Israel, begin the repatriation of tens of thousands of immigrants that have entered their countries illegally. Furthermore the countries from whence these immigrants came, have accepted their compatriots back and there has hardly been a squeak from the ‘international community’. More here: http://www.westernspring.co.uk/repatriation/

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