One of the more offensive duties of being an investigative journalist is taking out the trash -- exposing liars, fraudsters, con artists and scammers for the people they truly are. Each time we investigate a sociopath, we find that they always have a little cult group following of spellbound worshippers who consider that particular sociopath to be a "guru" or "prophet." Sociopaths are masters at influence and deception.

Why cover this subject? I've seen a lot of people get hoodwinked, scammed or even harmed by sociopaths, and it bewilders me that people are so easily sucked into their destructive influence. I want to share the warning signs of sociopaths so that you can spot them, avoid them, and save yourself the trouble of being unduly influenced by them.

Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky. Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths. Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize.

Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society. Anyone who does not fall for the brainwashing of the sociopath is sooner or later kicked out of the circle.

As a survivor of the Jim Jones "Jonestown" mass suicide says in a PBS documentary video (see link below), "Everything was plausible [at the time], except in retrospect the whole thing seems bizarre." That's how sociopaths operate. As they're speaking, they capture your imagination and sound reasonable, even authoritative.

No matter what fictions are presented by the sociopath, they always present him in the light of a hero -- sometimes even a saint -- who sacrifices his life for the good of others. It is common for sociopaths to strongly desire to be on television shows or to desperately seek out opportunities for short-term fame, often from engaging in bizarre acts or staging strange events. This is one of the ways in which they recruit followers to join their cult: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html

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So you cuckservatives and neo-communist minority-parasites want to fight Russia?

Russia, under both the Soviets and Vladimir Putin, is in a death-struggle with Western civilization, and has conducted repeated and effective influence campaigns to weaken and undermine the West from within. Influence campaigns waged against the West by the Soviet Union and now by Russia under President Vladimir Putin have, in fact, led to a sequence of fantastic Russian victories. Methods and means employed by the Soviet Union included active measures, disinformation, propaganda, controlled international front groups, agents of influence, forgeries, and reflexive control. American and NATO capabilities in those areas are third rate.
The influence campaigns waged by Russia against the West combine time tested methods with new information age techniques not available during the Soviet era including internet trolls, social media, information warfare, and cyber operations. Both similarities and differences exist in the execution and objectives of influence campaigns conducted by the Soviet Union and Putin’s Russia.
In brief, Russia is the most formidable war-making force in the world because its absolutely decisive espionage and influence assets are far more professional and successful than America’s, Britain’s, and NATO’s combined. Moreover, the additional Russian war-making assets are also formidable, and many are top secret (thus unknown to America’s inferior espionage apparat). Here a brief list of one-third of superior Russian war-making assets:

1.The Russians have far more modern tactics and weapons than the West. In addition, Russia and its allies are capable of repeated successful deception and surprise operations because of the large number of traitors within the US establishment hierarchy. In fact, if the US establishment defeated Russia they would immediately initiate widespread genocide against white middle and working classes.
2.Most of the more formidable Russian weapons have been kept secret from, fumbling and internecine squabbling, Western espionage.
3.Russian HUMINT, the most decisive war-making weapon, far surpasses unsuccessful US intelligence that depends on bribes and SIGINT.
4.The US no longer fields armed forces capable of defeating first class opponents. Not only are American generals leftist, soft and proven incompetents at warfighting, but most of America’s Clintonista generals are far more interested in: feminism, homosexuality, pro-Islam, pro-african, diversity and multiculturalism activities than they are at warfighting. In addition, the US military’s anti-White bias has already alienated millions of white men, who would theoretically be counted on to fight in a major world war.
5.America essentially depends upon drones, massive bribes, mercenaries and 70,000 special warfare operatives to fight their wars. Russia does not depend on mercenaries, bribes, or drones, and enjoys a more lethal, diversified and loyal military. The Russians also have a larger number of special forces troops, most of who are combat-ready veterans and quite capable of wiping out America’s small special ops forces very quickly.
6.Russia has dozens of top-secret new weapons, far more formidable than anything available in the American arsenal. For decades the US has utilized captured Third Reich miracle weapons and data to create a steady trickle of new weaponry and technology. That resource is rapidly drying up. In addition, a series of greedy leftist totalitarian regimes has utterly destroyed the American industrial base.
7.In a future war against a Russian coalition, the US will depend upon blacks, moslems, Israelis, and a very weak NATO as its major war-fighting assets. Millions of such genocidal thugs would be continuously deployed in anti-white pacification operations within the USA. Tens of millions of white Americans realize that only intervention by Russia and its allies can possibly liberate the white majority from its 5th rate citizenship and growing minority-parasite coercion and intimidation. Once Russia has seized America, it will gain access to not only all of America’s undeveloped oil and other assets, but also there will be tens of millions of white volunteers available for the Russian Army.

 More here: http://whitegenocideproject.com/can-donald-trump-be-uncucked/?cid=124307 

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Because throughout the ages, war, plague, famine and every kind of bad fortune you could imagine ravaged your ancestors. So many people died, while your ancestors survived, left their mark on the world, and passed down their genes over and over again until eventually you were born. Every generation before you contributed to our existence in one form or another. Great things were built, lands were explored and settled, invaders were fought off. Everything was done to secure a future for us. It's awfully selfish to turn your back on the efforts of your ancestors, it's even worse to make no attempt at making a better world for future generations, because considering everything we've accomplished in the past, our future is beyond all comprehension. Our future is in all of our hands: http://vinlandawakes.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/if-you-are-reading-this-because-you.html?m=1

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Hitler is a man who attempted to free his nation and his people from debt slavery

Why do you feel that the white race is in danger of extinction, and why is it you feel you do not enjoy self-determination?

The white race has always faced the possibility of extinction. Throughout history many race wars have been fought. Europe was in constant threat of invasions from enemies that surrounded it. Whether it was the Persians, Muslim moors, or the Huns, or the mongols, the Tartars, or the Turks. Wars were waged, Lands were lost, thousands were abducted and enslaved, sold as hard labour, or as sex slaves, or as child soldiers. Despite minimal communications, poor sanitation, lower life expectancy, Europe always fought off its foes. But now, I fear for the worst. Not only are Europe's colonial nations becoming melting pots and losing their true identity. Even Mother Europe is becoming a melting pot, becoming consumed by a foreign invasion. The sons and daughters of Europe are now tolerant of people who have little tolerance of them. Every white nation is expected to be tolerant, and become a melting pot. While this is being imposed on us, it is not an expectation of African, or Asian nations to give up their identity, to become tolerant and to mix until there is nothing left. There is a reason for this. Whites are civilization builders. We are creators, we are conquerors. Just as we can build something out of nothing, make it great and awe inspiring, so can we tear down rot and corruption, we can expose the filth. We are the only ones capable of hanging the tyrants. The tyrants, those global capitalists, those bankers. They want a serf population, they want dumb workers who do as they're told, fools who toil day in and day out for somebody elses money, working for somebody elses dream. They fear white people with goals, true goals that affirm the future of our bloodlines. So they distract the people with frivolities and nonsense, they shame our past and flood our countries with aliens. They do this to prevent us from taking control of our own fate. They use every tool at there disposal whether it's the media, police, or government branches to shut down anyone who see's through the wool. They create speech laws to prevent people from telling inconvenient truths and possibly opening eyes. We don't have self-determination, we are repressed, culturally and spiritually. Our nations are not ours anymore: http://vinlandawakes.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/if-you-are-reading-this-because-you.html?m=1 

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In our experience, when you confront these people for being anti-White, almost all of them will deny it despite the fact that they support policies that will lead to us becoming minorities in our own countries (and that they can think of any number of reasons why that would be a good thing). It is not unusual to hear them utter the words “I’m not anti-White, but….”, “I’m not anti-White, I have many White friends…” or “I can’t be anti-White, I’m White myself!”, which is perhaps the most common form of objection when White anti-Whites are being confronted for being anti-White.

They seem to think that they are clever when they point this out to us (as if they have found some sort of contradiction or some magic shield that will protect them from any bad labels no matter how hateful or insane the politics they want to promote are).

In our article, “the anti-White mindset”, the first thing we explained was that some people are mistakably interpreting anti-White as being non-White, and that this is not the case as anyone can be anti-White, as it is a state of mind. In the case of the White anti-White however, the confusion seems to revolve around the fact that they themselves are White and they therefore cannot possibly be anti-White themselves. But we all know it is actions and ideas that dictate whether or not a person is anti-White; nothing else. If you support anti-White policies then you are anti-White. It does not matter whether you hide behind other labels such as “liberal”, “socialist” or even “conservative”.

So with this is mind, let us return to the question: “How can they possibly be anti-White when they themselves are White?“

The answer is simple. It is called treachery. And it happens all the time: https://thisiseuropa.net/the-white-antiwhite-contradiction/   

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In the past, Mexico had smiled pleasantly as it ripped America off for billions of dollars in remittances, highly expensive US-taxpayer-funded healthcare and other freebies, even while pretending to be a friend and good neighbor.

It’s getting harding for Mexes to maintain appearances when the new sheriff in Washington DC has told them that the US no longer accepts to their duplicity: criminals are being sent home and a sturdy wall will be built to keep invaders out.

Unfriendly Mexico has chosen to fight back. It announced the other day that it would aid its lawbreaking citizens by jamming American courts with illegal immigration cases. The Mexican government has allocated $50 million to help its US-residing illegals fight deportation in court and has instructed its 50 (!) consulates to provide assistance.

Meanwhile, nobody in the media finds it odd that Mexico prefers that its citizens reside outside their own country. Where’s the love, Presidente Peña Nieto?

The Mexican invaders themselves apparently find jail in the US to be preferable to freedom in Mexico, as long as they believe they will prevail eventually: http://www.vdare.com/posts/the-friendly-mask-of-mexico-falls-away

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Despite what you read in the news, there is no better time in the history of America to buy and carry a firearm.

While anti-gun legislation continues to make news, many states — and even public schools — are passing laws to ensure their residents’ and students’ Second Amendmentrights are protected.

That said, once you make the decision to carry a concealed weapon, you should make sure that how you choose to conceal your weapon is both safe and comfortable for you: http://conservative-headlines.org/beginners-guide-to-concealed-carry-choosing-your-holster/

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Anti-Whites support worldwide White Genocide by massive immigration and forced assimilation in all White countries.

By 2050, whites will be a minority in both the U.S. (and all other countries settled by whites) and their indigenous homeland of Europe.

As Hillary Clinton’s VP nom Tim Kaine put it: “I think the burden is on those of us who are in the majorityCaucasians. We have to put ourselves in a place where we are the minority.” He doesn’t mean that metaphorically but quite literally. 

According to the US Census Bureau, the white population is contracting at an incredible rate in absolute terms, falling from 211,460,626 to 196,817,552 during the decade from 2000 to 2010. This is a loss of 14,643,074 people in that period alone; almost 15 million. Similar trends are taking place in Europe.

This is significant because whites will be the only ethnicity on Earth without a country of their own. Black people will still have the entire continent of Africa. Asians will still control the entire continent of Asia. Jews will have Israel: http://whitegenocideproject.com/13421-2/

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Edmund Connelly exposes how self-resentment and the notion of cultural pathology have been consistently, deliberately, and malevolently, planted in white minds through jewish scripted, jewish directed and jewish produced Hollywood movies.

Before the Internet revolution, this kind of ethnic intellectual warfare could be waged covertly and with relative impunity due to the effective jewish media monopoly.

Those days are over, and jewish Hollywood's racist propaganda of defaming whites and white culture in movies and television is being exposed to a critical and intelligent audience worldwide.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/BhYbiHUTD7Q

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To say 57 countries practicing this BARBARISM are radicals or only a few extremist "bad apples" distorting the real Jesus-like-Islam IS STUPID AND DANGEROUS and it's getting people killed. Stop saying it and help www.BanIslamNOW.com

The ONLY (Actually, it's not the only reason!) reason the deceptive term "Radical Islam" is deployed is to avoid the maniacal retaliatory wrath of Liberals & "peaceful" Muslims.

There is no such thing as RADICAL ISLAM. Islam mandates the murder of anyone who leaves Islam (it's called DEATH FOR APOSTASY). Islam also summarily executes atheists, polytheists, gays, blasphemers, adulterers, Hindus, Jews, critics and dissidents. Islam encourages Muslims to rape infidel women as Mohammad did. That's why SWEDEN IS NOW THE RAPE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD.

This misogyny and violence is MAINSTREAM Islam and SHARIA and it's practiced in FIFTY SEVEN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES. These are not extremists - these are GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who happen to be Muslim and run 57 countries. They are close to taking over the entire Middle East, Africa and Europe.

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If I was to state all Muslims are the vilest of animals, would you class this as hate speech? Many would.

But can I draw the readers attention to the 8th sura ayat 55? This verse states that all non believers are the vilest of animals.

Surely to define hate speech you can not be bias towards the author. It has to work both ways.

If I was write a book stating in over 100 verses to kill all non-Muslims, you would think I would be arrested and thrown into prison... but no one needs to write such a book… such a book already exists and is considered a holy book by Muslims and what would have to be, ignorant non-Muslims.

Not only are we so tolerant that we would consider building a mosque on ground zero, but we are also forbidden to criticise a religion that teaches its followers to kill and harm us. These verses from the Quran don't just stop at killing either, they are taught to torture us in ways such as cutting off finger tips (8:12)

The Quran even states that a non believer has three choices, one, die. Two, become Muslim. Or three, pay a forced tax to all Muslims (jizya) (9:29)

So to define 'hate speech' you must look to whence this 'hate speech' is coming from. Is it 'hate speech' to have the desire to protect yourself from a force, being or religion that openly wants you dead? http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/quran-hate.aspx

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Our ancestors suffered more than any plantation labourer. Let no-one lecture us with the pious guilt of the ‘chattering classes.’ Don’t preach to us, Liberal, when it was your kind that emancipated the African slave while leaving our own children to work 16-hour days in the factories.

Whilst the Arabs have been acknowledged as a prime force in the early usage of slaves from Africa, very little has been written about their usage of White slaves, whether they were part of the Russian slave trade or those kidnapped by Arab pirates. However, in recent years, the research of some authors has been bringing this issue to light.

Arab rulers had white eunuchs (slaves with their testicles cut off). In Islam's Black Slaves, Ronald Segal reveals that the Caliph in Baghdad at the beginning of the tenth century had seven thousand black eunuchs and four thousand white ones in his palace. Ibn Hawqal, writing in the 970s, remarked that "among the most famous exports [from al-Andalus to other Muslim lands] are comely slaves, both male and female from Frankish and Galician regions" and that "all Slavic eunuchs on earth come from al-Andalus, because they are castrated in that region".

These are just a few examples of information available on the Arab trade in White slaves; however, this information rarely comes to light in biased Multiculturalist education systems, as they prefer to concentrate on the issue of Black slavery to the exclusion of all other types of slavery. In pushing a guilt complex upon white children, as part of their ideological fight to promote Multiculturalism and attack "White racism", activist teachers would be aware that telling the truth about widespread White slavery would not be helpful in their promotion of Multiculturalist propaganda. Read more here: http://www.ironbarkresources.com/slaves/whiteslaves07.htm

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