Odinist Creed: (European aka White) Men and women are not enemies in our tradition as they are in the Semitic cults. We are beloved companions. We seek the best mates of our kind because we are a people who believe in friendly competition and striving for excellence in all things. A noble and great man should seek to win a virtuous woman who is beautiful in body, mind, spirit and character, while women should seek to be worthy of such regard, and to select the best possible man as a husband. We consider children a great gift from our Gods and where at all possible, seek to fully enjoy the blessings of a large family, as the Gods wish this happiness for us. As a tribe, we are all an extended family and bear great love for one another. We hold consideration of nationality and governments a distant second to the bond of blood. Read MORE, here: http://www.renegadetribune.com/nidings-among-us/

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The Race Chakra... A long time ago, there lived a people who honored Nature and accepted her laws. These people were beautiful to look at and found joy in work and in serving their communities. Their religion was made of stories and parables that explained the laws of Evolution and the mysteries of reincarnation.

The creation of Beauty and the healing effect of death were both part of their beliefs. They lived near the forest, in small societies that allowed Nature to regenerate itself. They also practiced Eugenics in order to make sure that Beauty and Wisdom are not set aside by failed life-forms. Suddenly an evil force from the Orient invaded their communities and replaced their spiritual heritage with a fake religion, a religion that hates Nature, whose only goal is the destruction of life on this planet and its replacement with machines.

Sexuality, racial selection and the laws of Nature are abominable in the eyes of this new #religion. Only through the total rejection of Nature and this world can salvation be granted. The believers must feel sadness and guilt at every moment about the world, they must have no self-esteem nor will to live. Only by enduring with indifference the destruction of Beauty, Talent and Wisdom can they earn the approval of their new Oriental God.

When we realize that the final goal of (globalized) Christianity is the harvesting of humans as farm animals and their deployment for creating the machines that will replace us, the quote from Matthew 4:19 ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men’ takes a new meaning. Not without reason has Christianity been called by some anthropologists, the greatest cultural destruction of history. All former cultures were erased and replaced with a poorer one. We can only wonder about the mysteries of Nature that were kept by our #Pagan ancestors.

What St. Boniface did to Donar’s oak tree, represents what the church did to the sacred knowledge. It’s also a symbol of their hate of Nature. The same way that today’s liberals hide our real motives from the public and make from Nationalism a straw man, christian missionaries claimed that the beliefs of our pagan ancestors were nothing more than cruel superstitions (hiding the real meaning of their beliefs). The first Christian apologists knew that Christianity was grounded on ‘pious’ lies and violence. The only way to push their agenda was by slandering the pagan beliefs and defaming them. In this sense, we could say that Christianity was not a religion, but a political movement, The Red Terror of Antiquity.

What this religion ignores is the fact that our ability to think about God, to perceive Beauty and happiness, we acquired them from Nature, therefore every attack against Nature, like race mixing, will bring only misery and unhappiness in this life and the next. In order to avoid confusion, let me say clearly that I’m not advocating for one of those Nature based religions that love everyone and see all races as beautiful marvels of Nature. Nature doesn’t work like that. Nature is about selection, sorting out, striving for improvement, about sacrificing the failed in order to give place to the beautiful and talented.

The Race Chakra is the most powerful one, the one that makes us strive for Beauty and life. You might ask yourself, what is the function of this Chakra? Well, single individuals are too weak and incomplete to reach The Transcendental, therefore our Chakras are designed to connect with other people and together create a network. That’s the reason why human culture arises from societies and not from single individuals. Europe during the Middle Ages had also a notion of the Chakras before the discovery of Hindu texts.

The Racial Chakra is like a subconscious Internet that connects individuals. Think about the neurons of a brain; a single neuron has no use, but when they connect with each other, they can perceive the world. It is important to emphasize that only neurons of the same #DNA can connect, the same way that only people of the same race can connect through their Race Chakra.

Most of Celtic mythology tells us about realms of unbelievable Beauty and beautiful people/gods. This is a theme that we won’t find in the myths of the Zulus or the Aztecs. The closest to the realm of Beauty that they have is the land or sensual pleasures (full of riches and food): http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-race-chakra/

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New Zealand-based family organisation, Family First NZ, was served a notice this week by the national Charities Registration Board that it intends to deregister the organisation in September because Family First’s promotion of its views about marriage and the traditional Family “cannot be determined to be for the public benefit in a way previously accepted as charitable”.

“The reasons given by the Board for Family First’s deregistration are a clear demonstration of the consequences of redefining Marriage. The Board itself has confirmed that advocating for strong, stable, mum and dad families is no longer acceptable as being in the public interest”, Coalition for Marriage spokesman Lyle Shelton said.

The notice from the Charities Registration Board is the culmination of a four-year saga, in which an initial deregistration of Family First was halted by the High Court, who asked the Charities Board to reconsider.

“It is disappointing that an organisation that understands the need for strong families and is countering the damaging impact on the community of family breakdown could now be penalised for believing in traditional marriage,” Mr Shelton said.

“What is occurring in New Zealand gives Australian charitable organisations a glimpse into what may happen in Australia should marriage be redefined in law.

“As we see in New Zealand and other countries where same-sex marriage has been introduced, it does not take long before it impacts on freedom of speech and religion,” Mr Shelton said: https://www.coalitionformarriage.com.au/nz_charities_can_now_be_deregistered_for_not_agreeing_with_same_sex_marriage

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This is supposed to represent tolerance, diversity inclusiveness and acceptance of everyone. However this diversity can only really be maintained through intolerance, as inclusiveness destroys every single group that makes something diverse.

I called into a system radio show years ago when they were discussing multiculturalism, and tried to get across the important point that multiculturalism destroys every culture, and that this is the reason for its instigation, and that as it destroys all culture, it is not really multiculture, but no culture at all. Multiculturalism is forced extermination of culture. True multiculturalism can only be maintained by autonomous groups having autonomy over themselves, not living and competing with one another in the same environment, and we had this before multiculturalism, when the world still accepted National Sovereignty and Self Determination of Peoples: https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/nordicantisemite.com/2015/06/30/racial-and-cultural-autonomy/amp/

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Yes folks, I did this. I went there. You have this now.  As I was discussing on last week’s radio show/podcast

Actually, I taped this video a long time ago but due to audio corruption issues, was never able to upload it.  Now that my in-house whizz kid, Jared was able to salvage the footage, I am passing it onto you.

What do you think happens when a gay, like SUPER gay Crowder tries to get a super gay wedding cake baked at a Muslim bakery? I’m pretty sure you can guess, but you might as well watch this week’s adventure to Dearborn, MI to find out! https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/hidden-camera-gay-wedding-cake-at-muslim-bakery/

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Your ancestors live on in YOU. And it matters.

As soon as I have time, I've been planning on doing an article on this based on scientific findings that have come about in recent years. 

The science completely contradicts the social agenda telling us our ancestry is irrelevant. 

NEVER let ANYONE tell you that your ancestry, your heritage, your ethnic culture doesn't matter.

In the history of humanity, we have ALWAYS cherished our ancestral lines. Don't let them steal your very IDENTITY away from you.

A rootless tree blows any which way. Grow your own roots deeply to stand firm in who you are and what you believe.

Explore ethnic-European heritage with me at www.CarolynEmerick.com

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Externsteine is an unusual sandstone rock formation near Ostwestfalen-Lippe in the northwest of Germany. It is unique among other monolithic sites in Europe because it is a #natural formation that has been altered by human hands.

Some believe that Externsteine was a center for Saxon pagan rituals. Like many other European pagans, Saxons were known to gather in nature to worship their gods. Just as the Celts, Balts, and Slavs kept sacred groves, so, too, did the Saxons. The towering monoliths would have provided a sense of awe and an allure of the supernatural. It seems a natural place for any Earth-centered religious group to worship.

It is said that when Charlemagne forcibly converted the Saxons to Christianity, that he destroyed pagan temples and banned the use of sacred sites such as Externsteine for such practices: https://hubpages.com/education/Externsteine-Germanys-Sacred-Standing-Stone-Formation

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Although Jewish activists claim that the large number of Jews with positions of power in Hollywood makes no difference, it makes a very large difference. Even Joe Biden thinks (correctly) that Jews were behind the gay marriage movement. In guarded optimism, we might look to the future and hope that some influential Jews will be able to look at this history without their ethnic blinders and come to see their own best interests lie with a renewed European America. More here: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2016/09/the-alt-right-and-the-jews/ 

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Our seventh noble virtue is the Will to Beauty. True beauty is always in the minority and transcends mere physical traits, although outward beauty is often the reflection of the soul within. One only has to journey to a local shopping mall or any other place where people assemble in great numbers, to notice that most people are not attractive, they are the odious and hideous dregs of liberal democracy. What is modern democracy but the cult of ugliness, of dysgenics run riot? Our race is becoming more and more obese and less healthy and heroic with each passing generation.

Liberals are fond of saying that everybody is beautiful in their own way and nobody is truly ugly. But if everybody is beautiful then nobody is ugly and if nobody is ugly then we have no standard whereby to measure beauty. After all, what is ugliness but deviation from the norm of commonality in the negative spectrum. Just as beauty is deviation from the norm along a positive spectrum: http://westernvanguard.blogspot.com.au/2014/09/the-will-to-beauty-our-seventh-noble.html?m=1

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As a child, I had the type of closet that you opened at your own risk. Because when you opened that door, only God knew what barrage of toys, clothes, and “stuff” would come barreling forth. I didn’t know it then, but as a kid–I needed minimalism.

I always said, “I am just messy, period.” Like it was some kind of personality trait: Messy. Cluttered. Overwhelmed. Anxious.

As a kid 30 years ago, I needed minimalism. But today…for my kids? Minimalism is essential.

I grew up in the time before Amazon and one-click ordering. This was the time before snack-catchers existed for children to carry around snacks and mindlessly eat around the clock. The time before kids needed iPads hanging over their carseats to survive a trip. The time before you could get virtually anything on television at a moment’s notice.

The kids of today need minimalism more than ever.

Childhood of today is beyond messy and cluttered. It’s chaotic. Research shows us the way we are raising kids today causes stress and anxiety to overwhelm both children and parents alike. As parents, we have so much going on that we have resorted to “convenience parenting” to hold it all together. If your kids won’t sit down for a meal, there’s a device for that. If your kids won’t ride quietly in the car, there’s an app for that.

As parents, we just try to survive. We struggle to hold it all together. Because it’s consuming. It’s heavy.

Raising kids today is heavier than any parent can handle: http://www.becomingminimalist.com/kids-need-minimalism/

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The Chinese Government could say Tibetan's genocide by the Chinese Government is a "Population Shift". Meanwhile on planet Earth, it's genocide. The anti-Whites say White people's genocide by anti-Whites is a "Population Shift". Meanwhile on planet Earth, it's still genocide. "Anti-racist" is a codeword for anti-White: http://whitegenocideproject.com/google-white-genocide/?cid=10658 

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If we were to collect the statistics of the amount of white people who have become victims of diversity crime ie crime that occurs as a result of state enforced multiculturalism, then the figures would be truly shocking. We are talking about every single type of crime including rape, murder and paedophilia. One prime and infamous example is the grooming and mass rape of young white girls in Rotherham at the hands of Islamic grooming gangs. The local Labour council, the police and social services all tried to cover up what was happening and allowed it to continue. Politicians should have been arrested and held accountable, again because it is the political (state) enforced multiculturalism that allows diversity crime to flourish and which leads to our people becoming victims. Where is the accountability? Are we supposed to just continue to allow our daughters to be targeted and our nation to be destroyed by politicians? https://smashculturalmarxism.wordpress.com/

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