People are often confused when they discuss when the legalization of Christianity took place in Rome and when Rome was declared officially Christian.

To us, even today, a couple of decades after the event, it is hard to say when Gorbachev legalized samizdat opinions and when the Soviet Regime actually collapsed.

Future historians will have the same problem with us.

For Political Correctness, the day it allows arguments against it to go public will not be very different from the day it collapses as thoroughly as the USSR has.

Nothing they say makes any SENSE.

That does not matter as long as they have their thugs and Thought Police in place.

But that is the problem with an isolated power group no one is allowed to disagree with. That is the strength of free speech and the fatal weakness of censorship. A group whose opinions only have to be lauded by others in the same group, behind a phalanx of suppression, gets sillier and sillier and sillier.

When it is exposed to light, it collapses.

By the time Christianity got so powerful that it was legalized, it had gained such a foothold in the population that outlawing opposition was easy. In fact, Constantine himself built more “pagan” temples than he did churches.

Constantine was called “the bishops of bishops” by those who formalized the official Nicene Creed. But he not only was no bishop, he was not a priest. He was, in fact, not even baptized. Constantine was bishop of bishops whose word was the unquestioned final appeal in doctrinal matters because he was the Emperor.

Constantine wanted the Christian Church united and then established as his ally in uniting the Empire. The real history would be fascinating to know.

At this remove, with the temporal provincialism of the History Industry, the fact that Constantine dealt almost equally with other major religions battling Christianity in his realm is simply ignored. But Constantine was making a transition, step by step, as we are, with forces that will be as forgotten as the Party Line will be in Moscow in a little while.

Even while the Soviet Union was still in power, Solzhenitsyn points out that “Nobody in the Soviet Empire takes Marxism seriously. The only people who take Marxism seriously are Western Intellectuals.”

Now listen, his POINT of saying this was that the minute you get rid of enforced censorship, the USSR is history.

He was dead right.

Our regime, like other dead ones who ended up leaning entirely on forms of censorship, is dead from the moment it decreases the pressure. It is not long before that which is developed behind a wall of censorship gets to where it cannot survive without that censorship, like a native species faced with a superior import.

If being samizdat is whining, then we will whine the bastards to death. 


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What’s the Holy Trinity of this new form of Christianity – Christian Cultural Marxism?

The Holy Trinity of Christian Cultural Marxism:

 You must support open-borders.

White people must commit collective suicide and turn over their nations to the invading hordes of the third world.

Whites should avoid having too many white babies and adopt babies of colour instead.

Fighting racism is one of the main priorities.

If you think I’m exaggerating, just look around.

The entire Catholic leadership and a significant portion of Protestant leadership support the third world invasion of the West.  The Catholic Church is the worst in this respect.

You literally have Catholic priests and Protestant pastors telling whites it’s their duty to adopt the the third world. This is not only maladaptive in a sociobiological sense, it’s also literal cuckoldry.  Resources are finite.  By adopting the third world, these whites are forgoing their own reproductive inclusive fitness.

Both Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention recently held conferences saying that churches need to devote more of their resources to “fighting racism.”

So, basically, in short, Christianity today, even “conservative” Christianity, is basically a form of SJW-ism…

How did this happen?

Christianity 200 years ago certainly wasn’t this way.  But was the momentum there?  By being too universalist, is Christianity doomed to become eventually a suicide cult?

If you want to see something sad — actually look at these cuckolds adopting the third world.  They’re pathetic.  They’re barely even men.

Which raises another question of why masculine men aren’t drawn to Christianity today, although this tendency has been there for the past 300 years.  Indeed, even 200 years ago, more women attended church than men.  But today it’s even worse. Could part of it be that nearly all the pastors and priests today are cucked, effeminate weaklings that alienate any man with even the slightest bit of testosterone in his testicles? https://occamsrazormag.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/what-is-christian-cultural-marxism/

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The entire European morality with values like courage, strength, beauty, wisdom, magnanimity, etc derives from our pagan tradition making the foundation of European ethics STILL predominantly pagan. So, we don’t need christianity to hold good values, and unlike christianity, euro-pagan worldview is actually within our blood and spiritual essence, and even more, aspects of christianity has overcome us as a race by, for example, opposing eugenic sciences, precisely because the hierarchy of values is different to the hierarchy of values given to us by Nature.

The only ethics that christianity has truly introduced in Europe are submissiveness, guilt (as everyone is sinful from birth), glorifying weakness and inferiority whilst spitting upon everything which is noble since 'god loves all people' as they claim, leaving no place for natural racial distinctions: http://smash-christianity.blogspot.com.au/2015/?m=1

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If anyone gives real and legitimate study to Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, and to the threats Hindus and Buddhists in Asia face today...

Nobody with any sense would call them pacifists.

I don't speak for anyone other than myself. But, I am a devotee of George Harrison, of the Dalai Lamai, and of other figures who spread ancient truth.

And I also am a serious student of indigenous European tradition. And the 60s burst forth a generation of ethnic-Europeans ACHING for a tie to ancient indigenous spirituality.


Hinduism and Buddhism is closer to our indigenous roots than Semitic Abrahamism ever could be.

Join me and connect to our ancestral heritage. www.carolynemerick.com

George Harrison, What Is Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiH9edd25Bc

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Lessons learned from Alan Watts: Find Joy in Your Path or Follow the Path of Joy

I've shared with you that Joseph Campbell has been an important teacher on my journey. Alan Watts is another.

Neither one one seemed to find much in their own Western culture, but in fairness, in that era the impetus to realize that neither Christianity nor Atheism was the right fit for ethnic-Europeans and to seek wisdom elsewhere was really a first step in order to awaken the drive for us to eventually come full circle to our own native faith. And, in many ways, certain Eastern faiths are much more related to indigenous European spirituality than Christianity or atheistic secularism could ever be.

Join me and connect to our ancestral heritage. www.carolynemerick.com

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Over several years of studying indigenousEuropean belief (paganism, mythology), and then studying the folk tradition (folklore, folk customs, holiday traditions, witch trial records), I began to realize that the idea that paganism died out after conversion to Christianity was simply preposterous. Native Europeanspirituality remained an incredibly powerful force in the consciousness of the European people well into the modern era.

Popular Religion: A Hybrid Belief System: The topic of what scholars call "popular religion" comes up a great deal in my work.

Popular religion is a phenomenon that occurs when a religio-cultural change has occurred from the top down in a society. Most commonly in the case of "popular religion," this change is due to a forced religious conversion.

What happens is that the authorities dictate that a new religion has been proclaimed, and typically the political rulers at the top as well as the religious leaders are responsible for enforcing the new code of spirituality.

Because these are also the same people who are usually responsible for writing, or at least sponsoring the writing, of the histories that become preserved for posterity, the view of historians has often been colored most strongly by a very elitist presentation.

And that presentation tends to neatly present the story in the way that the political and religious leaders would like it to be seen, even when that differs from the reality of life on the ground.

What this means is that the lives and beliefs of the peasantry, who made up the vast proportion of population, have been largely left unknown, or misunderstood, in many instances.

Of course, advancements in archaeology, anthropology, and related disciplines have made great progress in the past 100 years in how we understand the lives of the common folk. But, one very important discipline that can shed light on the beliefs of the regular folk tends to be overlooked; folklore.

Through studying the folk tradition, the stories told by the people, superstitions believed by the people, holiday traditions, seasonal customs, folk songs, etc, we begin to peer behind the curtain to see what the people actually believed and practiced in their daily lives: http://www.carolynemerick.com/folkloricforays/indigenous-european-spirituality-encoded-in-the-folk-tradition

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Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race‘s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

A sociopath has no loyalties, as a psychopath is incapable of guilt. You can’t explain to a sociopath WHY he should care about his own kind.

Anti-Whites say they are offended by being accused of advocating White genocide, but they then go on to describe White people as a pure evil.

Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of White genocide is a justification for that exact policy.

Pro Whites accuse anti Whites of #Whitegenocide They say 1) Whites are evil & deserve it 2) They dont want to end the White race 3) No White race

Anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White pick the countries that must allow immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.

Anti-Whites say there is no White race or White country, but Whites stole America and Australia from the natives. 

A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes the rest of the world reparations

If there is no such thing as race, how can we have “diversity?”

When someone asks what a White country is, you tell them it’s a country they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of #3rdWorlders. MORE, here: http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/2017/07/31/collection-of-tweets-from-bobs-twitter-account/

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“Since they give us the recipes for crossbreeding their pale race, use it against her side. Let’s sexually overcome these stupid rightwing females, for the survival of a smiling humanity.

Refusing the advances of family planning, every pregnancy will result in a little half-breed or a mongrel, an artist that tomorrow she will eventually like.

Hail to a vast altruistic copulation. Provide multicolored descendants to the sinking country of France.“ More here: http://whitegenocideproject.com/what-anti-whites-say/

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Paul Gottfried talks about how a lot of Jews look at the Holocaust and white people and the effects those views have on white people, black people and others, and the Western world as a whole. And whites bringing up the Holocaust and often reminding others of it, which often happens without any reason because the media and the education system talks about it incredibly often, despite the fact that there were bigger genocides even in the same century the Shoah happened, basically contribute to decline and destruction of their own race without really realizing it. Video by Property and Freedom Society. Watch here: https://youtu.be/NYpapo4Q3CU

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“Anti-racists” are not against hate. They are for hate against us whites.

The people who claim they love diversity are actually the people who show, through their actions, that they love diversity the least.

We already had diversity in the world, with different peoples and cultures all over the globe. Travelling actually meant experiencing new cultures and people. Now, every Western country is made indistinguishable with open borders and the degenerate “McDonald’s culture”. We are expected to consume the same things, we are told that we are “all the same” and that we had nothing unique or worthwhile to begin with. We are all “multicultural societies”, i.e. rootless consumer societies.

“Diversity” is not want they want. What they want is to mix everybody into a melting pot in all white countries.

People who call themselves “anti-racist” (i.e. anti-whites) like to say that gender and skin colour don’t matter. But in reality, they are just contradicting themselves as usual.

Let’s put aside the obvious irony about enforcing affirmative action laws where there are too many whites (you never hear of schools, neighbourhoods or workplaces being “too black” or “too Asian”), here is a blunt question that no one seems to highlight or be able to answer:

If skin colour does not matter, then why is racial diversity (in all and only white countries) so important?

And why does it have to be enforced?

Granted, I do believe that many ordinary people who happen to have an anti-white mindset have the intention of helping others, after all they have been persuaded to believe that what they are doing and supporting is good.

However, there are in fact many ways to help people without having open borders and without bringing everybody here at our expense (to the extent that we become a minority in our own countries) White already being a minority of the population world wide).

We COULD, for example, help people in the Third World rebuild their own countries by providing them with education and aid where it would be most needed. This is not necessarily our responsibility, but one can make the point that there are many ways we could help other peoples that would not lead to us becoming a minority in our own countries.

Besides, they are not helping anybody, not us or the Third Worlders, by bringing the best and brightest from less economically developed countries.

There are so many contradictions associated with the anti-white mindset it is so hard to pick particular ones to highlight.

In the end, anti-whites are always the opposite of what they claim to be: https://thisiseuropa.net/5-ways-how-anti-whites-always-contradict-themselves/

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#1) Think for yourself. Be skeptical of everything. Most people, corporations, governments and institutions are lying to you. There is much good in the world, but there is far more selfishness and greed which is falsely presented as that which is good.

#2) Follow your inner truth, not some external guru. Any guru who demands your obedience is a false prophet. A real teacher is one who empowers you and sets you free to explore your life experience with complete freedom tempered by a code of morals and personal responsibility.

#3) Serve in the protection of life, with or without a church or spiritual group. You can protect life every day in your own garden. Resist the seduction of profit and power that comes from serving darkness (i.e. working for Big Pharma or pesticide companies). Seek to protect life, which is sacred and precious.

#4) Value all living things, including animals and plants. You are their shepherd. Protect the diversity of life and the integrity of the continuation of life. (For example, resist GMO and plant only non-hybrid seeds.)

#5) Live an authentic life. Practice what you teach. Walk your talk. Do not speak with one face and then secretly act out another. Spiritual strength comes from spiritual authenticity, and even if the world isn't aware of what you do when no one is looking, God and the universe most certainly are. Karma counts.

#6) Defend the innocent. Stand your ground against bullies. Resist tyranny. Promote freedom, liberty and justice. Help others when you can, and seek to empower others with the skills and knowledge they can use to support themselves rather than creating dependency.

#7) Tell the truth. It is powerful... perhaps the most powerful thing in the universe. The truth unfailingly outshines lies and deceptions. And even when the people around you may not see the truth, the greater universe does. By telling the truth, you empower yourself in all areas of your life, and you bring yourself closer to true spiritual understanding. More here: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html

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