Who has heard of what is up till now the untold story of American-British Rhine Meadows death camps? Which was a deliberate policy of pure extermination of the surrendered German forces by the allies, in post-war Germany. All you usually hear about is the jews. Always the jews. But did you know that the American and British forces killed twice as many Germans after WW2 as the alleged killing of the jews?

Lets tell the truth about how the American and British with Eisenhower in the lead murdered millions of German prisoners of war AFTER they had surrendered. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans. Russians who was first in Berlin defeating the Germans refused to take prisoners and many just fled.

In the final days of the Second World War, as the Allies advanced deep into Germany and the German Army was on the verge of defeat, the U.S. Army captured approximately 12 million German prisoners of war.

Under the direction of jewish General Dwight Eisenhower, most of these German POWs were taken to open fields in the area of the Rhine River valley in Western Germany and given no access to food, water, or shelter and simply left to die.

This was a blatant war crime and violation of international treaty requiring humane treatment of prisoners of war, and release of POWs after the cease of hostilities. The American military attempted to justify this war crime by simply re-labeling the German POWs as “disarmed enemy forces”, therefore alleging that the prisoners were still “hostile enemy forces”.

American and British soldiers mass raped, and mass murder, German people in the aftermath of World War Two. It is estimated that 5-12+ million ethnic Germans were murdered after the war. Around 5-10+ million German women were mass raped. There are no winners in any war!

Don’t make arguments about this, instead read this article: http://www.con-tru.com/spotlight/eisenhowers-death-camps-an-untold-story-of-ww2

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“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnichatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the globalmedia itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of  Jewish Bolshevism (Marxism): https://holodomorinfo.com/

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Whites are so “privileged” and “well-represented” in our society that we aren’t even able to organize as White people, advocate for our interests, and have pride in ourselves without being called racists, bigots, Neo-nazis, white supremacists, haters, and a slew of other pejoratives intended to discredit us.

Prof. Roth points out, however, that both assimilationists and multiculturalists make false assumptions about human nature. Assimilationists believe all races are capable of taking on the behavior patterns necessary to maintain Western civilization; multiculturalists believe radically different groups can live together harmoniously. Both positions fly in the face of overwhelming scientific and historical evidence. The false terms framing public debate therefore require the suppression of information, and the academy, the legal profession, and philanthropic foundations are among the most energetic censors.

Mainstream science has now, for the most part, accepted the evidence that genes influence individual behavior, but it continues to resist genetic explanations for group differences. Terrible pressure is brought to bear on scientists who explore group differences. Prof. Roth recounts the travails of Chris Brand, Bruce Lahn, and James Watson, all of whom have been silenced for discussing race and IQ.

American universities that receive government funding (that is to say, virtually all of them) have “Institutional Review Boards” that approve or block research involving human subjects. Prof. Roth points out that most faculty members who serve on these boards are openly hostile to research that might reveal racial differences, often on the grounds that the results might get into the “wrong” hands.

Hate speech laws restrict public debate. Canadian journalist Mark Steyn notes that if an American writer approaches a publisher with a book criticizing immigration, he will be reminded that it may be illegal to sell it in Canada, and there goes 10 percent of the North American market. French and German translation rights cannot be sold because the book may run afoul of European xenophobia legislation, and a British edition may be impossible because libel laws are so lax that anyone mentioned unfavorably may be able to shut down sales. The result is that such a book may never reach the public, because it may no longer make economic sense to publish it.

Prof. Roth explains that before the Second World War, almost all European immigration took place between the nations of Europe, but since 1945, outsiders have also been coming to Europe. There were two main reasons for this: an acute shortage of manual labor (especially in Germany), and a backflow of subjects from former European colonies.

Germany brought in large numbers of Gastarbeiter or “guest workers” to help rebuild the country in the 1950s. Most came from Southern Europe, and either returned home or integrated, but a large contingent from Turkey neither left nor integrated. In the 1970s, just as the German economy slumped and the demand for labor was drying up, Turkish workers began bringing their families and creating closed communities.

There are now over three million Muslims in Germany, mostly Turks. A government survey in 2004 found that they are becoming more, not less alienated from German society. Mosque attendance is rising, and about 40 percent consider “the use of physical violence as a reaction to the threat presented to Islam by the West as legitimate.” Nearly two-thirds of those aged 14 to 18 report having few or no German friends.

Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Portugal have all accepted many immigrants from their former colonies. The nucleus of France’s large immigrant population was a contingent of 350,000 Algerians who had helped maintain French rule in Algeria. In 1962, after the Algerian war for independence, they sought refuge in France. Many more followed who were in no danger but wanted to live in the West. Within 20 years, there were 800,000 Algerians in France. They are now the core of France’s Muslim population, which is estimated to be 5.7 percent of the country.

Britain, too, has been filling up with non-whites from former colonies, and has admitted a great many refugees. London has become notorious as a place of exile for fanatical clerics that have been kicked out of relatively moderate Islamic countries, such as Egypt and Syria. In 2006, the British Home Office had a backlog of 450,000 asylum cases. All could claim welfare benefits while their cases were pending.

A 2006 report on Islam in Britain found that 84 percent of Muslims acknowledge being treated fairly by British society. This did not prevent 37 percent of younger Muslims from advocating the adoption ofsharia law, nor 36 percent from favoring the death penalty for Muslims who convert to another religion.

Muslims commit a disproportionate amount of crime all over Europe. In British jails they are overrepresented by a factor of 3.67; in France by four to five, and in Germany by six to seven. Rape is a Muslim specialty: in Denmark, where they constitute only 4 percent of the population, Muslims commit more than half the rapes, and almost always rape non-Muslim women.

Europe’s rulers are determined to defend immigration at any cost to their citizens, and have shown themselves capable of breathtaking dishonesty. In 2004, British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared immigration “economically vital” due to “serious worker shortages” — at a time when 72 percent of Muslims in Britain were unemployed, with many on the dole.

European Union bureaucrats are even more mesmerized by immigration than national politicians. Under the recent draft constitution, which French and Dutch voters had the good sense to reject in 2005, immigration policy would have been made in Brussels, and Europeans would have lost all local control over who lives in their countries. Plenty of EU officials view the rejection of this constitution as a temporary setback.

Immigrants to the American Colonies and the early United States made an expensive and dangerous voyage of four to eight weeks to a land that was largely wilderness. Those who completed the journey were bold, enterprising people, quite unlike the average Mexican who walks across a land border into a modern welfare state.

Until 1880, American immigrants came mainly from Northwest Europe. Between 1880 and the early 1920s, a larger share came from Southern and Eastern Europe, particularly Italians, Poles and Jews. In 1924, immigration quotas were passed to ensure that the United States maintained a white majority. Although there were no restrictions on immigration from the Western Hemisphere, few Latin Americans arrived.

By the 1960s, the country’s elites viewed immigration restriction as, in Prof. Roth’s words, “morally compromised” and “inconsistent with American ideals.” The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had banned racial discrimination in employment and public accommodation. It seemed only consistent to let in foreigners without regard to race as well. When the Immigration Act of 1965 was passed the very next year, Pres. Lyndon Johnson piously declared that it repaired a

deep and painful flaw in the fabric of American justice. It corrects a cruel and enduring wrong in the conduct of the American Nation ... The [former] system violated the basic principle of American democracy — the principle that values and rewards each man on the basis of his merit as a man. It has been un-American in the highest sense, because it has been untrue to the faith that brought thousands to these shores.

By this standard, 58 percent of Americans were cruel and un-American in 1965, for that is how many declared themselves “strongly opposed to easing of immigration law.” Sen. Byrd of West Virginia pointed out that “every other country that is attractive to immigrants practices selectivity (in favor of their founding nationalities) without apology,” and expressed wonderment at America’s “guilt complex.”

The 1965 Act abolished national preferences favoring Europe and set a total limit of 290,000 admissions per year, but also admitted immigrants’ extended families outside the quota. One analyst pointed out that it was possible under the act for a single immigrant to bring in 18 relatives in 10 years.

During the 1950s, 2.5 million immigrants had come to America, with 55 percent from Europe and Canada. In the 1970s, 4.3 million came, and the European-Canadian share dropped to below 25 percent. By 1977, former INS commissioner Leonard Chapman concluded that “we have become the haven for the unemployed of the world. I think it is going to be catastrophic.”

The 1965 Act was surprisingly stingy toward refugees, allotting them a low preference and a maximum 6 percent of admissions, but this has hardly limited the actual flow. By means of a constitutionally dubious “parole power,” presidents have granted entry to 750,000 Cubans and 900,000 Southeast Asians, among others. Once here, refugees have their status “regularized;” in other words, the law is changed so they can stay.

In 1986, amnesty was granted to 3.1 million illegal aliens who had arrived in the country before 1982. By this time, 600,000 people were coming legally every year, so in 1990 Congress formally raised the quota to 700,000. The adjustment of law to reality — rather than the reverse — has become a regular feature of immigration legislation.

The flow continued to increase, reaching one million annually in the 1990s, thanks to the many family reunification arrivals not counted toward the quota. Just 16 percent of the total was now coming from Europe or Canada, and this did not include the estimated 500,000 to 800,000 illegal immigrants who came every year.

Until 1986 it was actually legal to hire illegal aliens. Even now, the law is worded so that an employer need only check to see that an immigrant’s documentation “reasonably appears on its face to be genuine.” In fact, if you ask an Hispanic employee too many questions about his papers, he can sue for discrimination. The 1986 law thus created a thriving market in forged documents. By failing to pass a law requiring employers to use the new, electronic “E-verify” system, Congress has made clear it has no intention of stopping the hiring of illegal aliens.

Perhaps nothing better illustrates the corruption of the immigration system than the history of the H-1B visa program. This was instituted in 1990 to let in 65,000 skilled workers who would fill jobs for which there were not enough American applicants. Eight years later, during the dot-com boom, the computer industry claimed it needed more engineers. Congress raised the limit to 115,000 but promised to cut it back to 65,000 by 2002. Two years later, in 2004, the ceiling officially returned to 65,000, but with so many exemptions that by the following year 266,000 workers got H-1B visas.

The real scandal is that the worker shortage used to justify this program never existed. Prof. Norman Matloff of the University of California at Davis proved with data from numerous studies that even at the height of the dot-com boom there were many qualified Americans who could not get work. “It was clear,” he concluded, “that what the industry wanted was cheap labor.” Prof. Roth quotes several other authorities to confirm this point: https://www.amren.com/archives/back-issues/january-2011/

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Most Americans take for granted that democracy is an absolute good. If it can be said of an idea or a program that it promotes equality, Americans, whatever their political affiliations, will be loath to speak ill of the idea or to protest the program.  “Of course,” they will think to themselves, “anything that fosters fairness and equal treatment must be good for society. Should we not strive to treat everyone the same?  Is that not what America is all about?”

Well, no; at least not exactly. America strives to be the land of opportunity, a country where citizens are afforded equal dignity and are granted a say in their government. But the people do not control their government directly. They elect—or elect people to appoint—leaders who will represent their needs, values, and interests. We do so, not just for practical procedural reasons, but because we understand that there are certain people in our community whose skills for governing surpass those of their fellow citizens. In the same way, there are individual musicians, artists, and physicians whose skills in their respective areas are superior to the skills of others who share their aspirations for music, art, or medicine.

Imagine someone whose ruling ethic was that of egalitarian sameness trying to form a ballet troupe, an academic faculty, or a football team. I can’t say that many of us would be willing to pay to see such a troupe, to enroll in such a university, or to place a bet on such a team. Although the popularity of “reality TV,” the persistence of quota-driven affirmative action initiatives, and the lowering and/or mainstreaming of educational standards suggest, alarmingly, that many in our country would like to see the elimination of any kind of ranking, distinction, or hierarchy, the common-sense pragmatism of our citizenry has thus far prevented us from falling into the black hole of egalitarian mediocrity. We all recognize, in our best, noblest, and least envious moments, that just as we excel our neighbors in certain areas, they excel us in others.

Which is not to say that Americans would prefer a kind of rigid aristocracy in which only a very small number of upper-crust folk could engage, say, in drama or higher education or athletics. One of the strengths of our country is its widespread promotion of amateur theaters, community colleges, and local sports teams that involve people who may not have the skill to be the absolute best in their field, but whose significant gifts and talents allow them to make strong and meaningful contributions to their communities. The fact that there is only one Pope and a relatively small number of Cardinals has not prevented countless priests across the world from serving and enriching their local parishes.

In our American democracy, rulers hold power on the basis of popular election rather than hereditary right, politicians and soldiers swear allegiance to a code of laws rather than to a monarch, and average citizens have the right to appeal to and be protected by those laws. None of these political mandates necessitates a rejection of all hierarchy, rank, and distinction, though they do allow for more fluid movement within and between various social, political, and cultural classes. Still, democracy’s empowerment of the people does set in motion the potential for a kind of mob rule in which the people—drunk with their own power and sense of entitlement—demand that their whims be catered to by politicians and other leaders, while unscrupulous and flamboyant demagogues—drunk with their own delusions of grandeur—pander to the crowd and make promises that can only be met by draining and destabilizing the state:


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My stance for the protection and preservation of my ethno-cultural heritage is often misrepresented as racist. But the truth is that these issues affect ALL of us irrespective of ethnic origin.

EVERY ethno-culture on the face of the Earth is worthy of protection and preservation. Globalization and multiculturalism is destroying diversity.

If we love each other, if we value our unique differences, if we want to respect and promote diversity on this planet as we move into a global era... then we must understand that multiculturalism is actively working to destroy diversity on the planet.

As someone who has always been fascinated by world cultures, and who loves my own cultural heritage deeply but also respects and encourages other ethnic groups to love and value their own ethno-culture, I cannot sit idly by and watch homogenization destroy our diversity without speaking up.

I cannot let Liberals and Socialists call everyone who loves diversity a racist. I cannot be silent while love of different races is misrepresented as some kind of false supremacy.

Homogenization destroys diversity. THINK ABOUT THAT. www.carolynemerick.com

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As someone who has campaigned for an end to mass immigration and for the compulsory repatriation of non-White immigrants, I am very familiar with the National Front and one time British National Party slogan, ‘Stop immigration, start repatriation!’ and have lost count of the number of times I have heard liberals and leftists argue that repatriation in particular, is impractical, cannot be countenanced on humanitarian grounds and would make Britain a pariah state in the eyes of the ‘international community’, thereby attracting penal and potentially crippling trade sanctions.

The liberals and leftists argue that; the ‘international community’ would not just stand by and let Britain conduct a programme as ‘inhumane’ as the repatriation of non-White immigrants; the nations from which the immigrants originated might not be prepared to take the immigrants back; and there would be uproar nationally as the majority of the British people would find such a measure unacceptable. So, what is the truth of the matter?

In recent months, we have seen two nations, Saudi Arabia and Israel, begin the repatriation of tens of thousands of immigrants that have entered their countries illegally. Furthermore the countries from whence these immigrants came, have accepted their compatriots back and there has hardly been a squeak from the ‘international community’. More here: http://www.westernspring.co.uk/repatriation/

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THIS! Everyone should watch this clip! https://web.facebook.com/antisocialist2.0/videos/285347315256237/

Many of the native peoples that Whites encountered in North America had ALREADY genocided the peoples who preceded them. (There is a great deal evidence that has been unearthed (and then quickly buried) that indicates that White people were in North America before the Amerindians. More here: http://www.renegadetribune.com/destroying-the-anti-white-arguments/ )

Whites in North America did NOT follow in that mold, but set aside protected lands to preserve the peoples they encountered. That it didn’t work like a liberal’s fairytale dream doesn’t convert that basic fact into genocide.

(The likes of) Michael Moore is a lying anti-White who works for White Genocide. He says he’s anti-racist. He’s anti-White. (Racist towards White people, hypocritical, unfair, bias and genocidal.)

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

200 years from now, will a non-White be sitting in Michael Moore’s seat explaining how the world of the future was founded on the White Genocide of today, to an applauding audience of hypnotized non-Whites whose souls are consumed by a proud hatred of their own race?

Of course not. After the White race that built modern civilization has been genocided, the world will be occupied with its return to savagery.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White! More here: http://whitegenocideproject.com/michael-moores-anti-white-version-of-american-history/?cid=313

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Hillary Clinton broke through the “glass ceiling” by being the first ever rape apologist nominated by a major political party. Feminists who claim to “love women” take note. Juanita Broadderick has already spoken out against Madam Pantsuit. Now another rape victim, Kathy Shelton, spoke to The Daily Mail about the woman who defended Kathy’s rapist…who raped her when she was 12 years old.


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Can there be light below the surface of the Earth, without any exposure to the Sun? Surprisingly, the answer is YES. Bioluminescent organisms have the ability to glow almost like magic. Many organisms use their natural ability to produce light to trick predators, to attract mates and even to communicate. The word for this seemingly magical ability is called “bioluminescence,” which comes from “bio,” meaning life, and “lumin,” meaning light. http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com.au/2016/04/inner-earth-glows-like-in-movie-avatar.html

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Why did exploratory rock-art funding dry up after it was discovered that Australia’s Aborigines were likely not the first inhabitants. And why were rock paintings destroyed that clearly showed a more sophisticated indigenous people were present prior to, and at the same time, as our Aborigines?

Hmmm, could it blow the concept of Aborigines as the first inhabitants out of the water? Could a refusal to fund further exploration have something to do with land rights, outrageous funding levels or Constitutional recognition?

Only around 5,000 rock-art sites are known out of a possible 20,000 and it's troubling sites have been desecrated.

After the alarming findings of a Graham Walsh (who spent 40 years studying Australian rock-art) were first published, they sent members of the Left wing “Australian Archaeological Association” into a panicWalsh proposed that the paintings were drawn by an Asiatic people prior to, and since, the last ice age… around a mere 15,000 years ago.

Consequently, on the 18th December 1995, the Association issued a media statement declaring that Walsh's “interpretation” of rock-art was "racist”, thus funding was promptly discontinued.

But the enigma of these provocative rock-paintings lives on and cannot remain unexplained forever, despite the well-held belief that Australia’s Aborigines were Australia's original inhabitants.

There is a glaring gap between what we are asked to believe and what rock paintings show.


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In India, Mommy Professor wears a towel on his head and a diaper on his ass.

For two thousand years, Indian Mommy Professors have been considered to be the Height of Wisdom. The Brahman sits in his diaper while around him children collapse in hunger, and every University rings with his praises.

When the Aryan warrior class invaded India and set up a culture, the warriors, the Tschatriya, were at the top of the Caste system. “Caste” means color in English, just as the Indian Sanskrit term for caste was the same word as “color.”

Just before India began its slide into sub-third world status, the Brahman became the top caste.

The Brahman are the Priests, the Intellectuals.

The Mommy Professors.

The Indian civilization developed Kung Fu, Buddhism, and the aquatic rice we associate with Oriental countries and “the paddy culture.”

Buddhism originated in India, and Buddhists point out that the Buddha “had eyes the color of blue lotus.” The man who brought Kung Fu to China also had bright blue eyes.

In a coincidence that is not historically unique, India’s Aryan conquerors devoted themselves to Wisdom, became brown and collapsed into a starving mess with only little brown Wise Men to show for it. - Bob Whitaker

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There are two types of countries – countries that are for their people, and countries that are for ideas.

The latter could be described as “wordism” – loyalty to an idea; for example, religion, monarchy, Communism, #Fascism, are all forms of “wordism”.

A “wordism” can never allow REAL Freedom of Speech because words made it, and words can destroy it. So the “wordism” declares that “You have free speech, but not HATE speech”.

Sound familiar? “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism), is also a “wordism”. The idea behind “Diversity” is that there can be no ethnic states. US General Wesley Clark said “there can be no ethnically pure states in Europe”, there are lots of “non-diverse” areas in non-White areas . . . but Europe is White.

Europe is expected to be “progressive” in the mind of an anti-White, and non-Whites are expected to be “primitive”.

This means that “Diversity”, the one true religion will mercilessly target any White area that goes against “Diversity” (Multiracial-ism).

Multiracial-ism has no loyalty to WHO lives in a certain country, but multiracial-ism demands loyalty of them.

So to say again, there can never be a “wordism” that allows freedom. Diversity it just a codeword for White genocide. MORE here: http://whitegenocideproject.com/diversity-or-freedom/

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